Hair vitamins - Page 7

Hair loss in women

What vitamins and minerals deficiency causes hair loss

One of the reasons for hair loss - along with hormonal changes, infectious diseases, poor ecology, stressful situations - is insufficient intake of vitamins and ...

Hair diet by day of the week

Hair diet (menu for the week)

A properly balanced diet will help restore health, thickness, strength and shine to your hair. After all, we know that all the nutrients that are needed every day ...

Hair food

Foods that are essential for hair growth and health

We talk so much about how important it is to eat right for the health and beauty of hair, what is the right nutrition, ...

vitamins for hair

Hair vitamins (according to the trichologist's prescription)

The intake of vitamins, trace elements and minerals into the body is one of the main components of the health of our body, including hair. Very important …


The most important vitamins for hair health and beauty

Today we will talk about vitamins, how their deficiency affects the condition of the hair and how to replenish them at home. For life activity ...


Hair loss

Hair masks

Hair care