Preparing the most effective mask for fast hair growth

Who among us has never tried to grow hair at least once in our life? I do this all the time, first I cut it off, and then I grow it, then again I want a fashionable haircut, and after a week I already regret what I have done and start growing again. As if in a vicious circle. I have tried many different ways to grow hair, they help me very well: darsonval, nicotine, tonics, homemade masks. I would like to share with you a recipe for a mask that helps with hair loss, strengthens them and of course accelerates the growth and appearance of new hair.

Ginger very well enhances blood circulation, which improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. Also, ginger contains vitamins C and A, trace elements (potassium, calcium, iron, zinc) and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on hair, nourish the roots and restore structure. It is best to use fresh ginger root juice, which can be added to a variety of homemade masks. Ginger is one of the best hair growth stimulants.

Ginger for hairJojoba oil in fact, it is considered a liquid wax, it can be stored for many years and not lose its properties, which makes it a unique product. When cold, the oil thickens and becomes like a paste (wax), but at room temperature, it becomes liquid again, and when passing from one state to another, the oil does not lose its properties. The oil contains fatty acids, fatty acid esters, amino acids, micro and macro elements, vitamins, collagen, the composition of jojoba oil is unique in comparison with other natural vegetable oils. Jojoba oil is an irreplaceable oil for hair, you can talk about its benefits for hair for a very long time, you can read more about this here.

Jojoba oil for hairCastor oil familiar to all girls and not by hearsay, our grandmothers used it for hair. The oil is used for hair loss, for strengthening and thickening, as well as for stimulating growth. The oil is very thick, so it is difficult to use it on the hair in its pure form, and diluted with other oils, honey or tincture makes it easier to use.

Castor oil for hairVitamin A with oil improves the elasticity of hair, makes it elastic, shiny and silky, protecting it from the harmful effects of sunlight, affecting active growth. Vitamin A stimulates the restoration of hair structure, provides protection against free radicals, and makes hair strong and elastic. It is the lack of this vitamin that leads to dry and brittle hair.

Vitamin A in hair oilVitamin E on oil promotes cell renewal, increases blood flow, resulting in improved circulation at the local level, helps to fight hair loss, promotes hair growth and restoration. Vitamin E helps to cope with scalp problems, especially dandruff and dryness, heals dry and brittle hair, and improves overall hair condition.

Vitamin E in oilMask recipe

  • 1 tablespoon ginger juice
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil

The mask is done before washing your hair and it is advisable that you do not have foam or hairspray on your hair. It is better to grate the ginger and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, heat the oils (in a water bath), add vitamins A and E, and at the end ginger juice. Apply the mask along the partings to the scalp, do not touch the hair length, if desired, you can apply the base oil of avocado, jojoba, coconut. We keep the mask for 40 minutes or longer, it is advisable to insulate it. Then I wash my head, using shampoo 2-3 times, apply a mask or conditioner to the length. The mask can be done 2-3 times a week.

The mask perfectly strengthens the hair, accelerates growth, I will not say that you will get three centimeters of growth per month, for me it is simply unrealistic, but one and a half centimeters is quite realistic for me, with my standard one or even less.And if you add some kind of complex vitamins, it will improve and consolidate the result.

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Hair masks

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