How to choose essential oils for hair

They learned to extract essential oils even before our era, in Egypt, China, Rome, Greece, as evidenced by excavations where vessels with the remains of fragrant oils were found.

Egyptian priests used essential oils not only to embalm the body, but also to treat depression and nervous disorders with it. Oils were widely used as antiseptics, rubbing with oils was used to rejuvenate.

In Greece, for the first time, the classification of essential oils was made into stimulating, relaxing and tonic. Namely in France, they began to study essential oils as components of cosmetics, where the development of aromatherapy and the widespread use of essential oils began.

Some essential oils were more valuable than gold, such as rose oil, which in ancient times in the East was used in medicine due to its unique properties.

Best essential oils for hair

All essential oils have healing properties due to their rich natural composition and a wide spectrum of action.

Essential oils are natural substances that have a strong effect and have a wide variety of beneficial properties. Essential oils are well absorbed, which is important in such areas of cosmetology as skin care for the face, body and head.

It is very important to choose the right essential oil to prevent or treat hair problems. And so, the use of essential oils in hair care:

Essential oils for hair loss and hair stimulation

Bay essential oil

  • hit
  • ylang-ylang
  • tea tree
  • pine, cedar, cypress
  • rosemary
  • pink tree
  • cinnamon
  • juniper
  • calamus
  • verbena
  • mint
  • coriander

Essential oils for dandruff

Orange essential oil (vivasan)

  • lavender
  • tea tree
  • eucalyptus
  • lemon
  • Orange
  • grapefruit
  • geranium
  • rosemary
  • chamomile
  • melisa

For oily hair

Essential little juniper, vivasan

  • juniper
  • lemon
  • Orange
  • grapefruit
  • tea tree
  • rosemary
  • melisa
  • mint
  • cypress, pine
  • cedar, eucalyptus
  • bergamot
  • ginger
  • sage

For dry hair

Ylang Ylang Oil

  • jasmine
  • lavender
  • the Rose
  • Orange
  • sandal
  • fret
  • patchouli
  • sage
  • myrrh
  • chamomile
  • ylang-ylang

For damaged hair

Lavender oil

  • lavender
  • Orange
  • pink tree
  • chamomile
  • sandal
  • geranium
  • vetiver
  • ylang-ylang
  • myrrh

Don't forget that natural, high-quality essential oils have a quiet, even, clear, gradual scent reminiscent of the plant from which it was made. Essential oils are highly penetrating, so they are often added to hair cosmetics (shampoos, toners, serums).

The most sought-after essential oils for hair

Orange oil

Orange essential oil - is today one of the most popular essential oils, it is included in the British Pharmaceutical Code and is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of fresh orange peel, to obtain 1 liter of oil, you need to process about 300 kg of peel.

The oil has a soothing and antispasmodic effect, helps with depression, insomnia, increases attention, helps with cellulite, improves complexion, lightens age spots, disinfects the oral cavity.

This oil will help get rid of dandruff, it is suitable for both oily hair and dry, damaged hair, stimulates blood flow, revitalizes blood circulation.

Since ancient times, orange has been associated with fertility, wealth and generosity. The aroma of the oil is warm, sweet, reminiscent of the smell from childhood, fills with warmth, this is just the oil that everyone likes by its smell.

Bay essential oil

Bay essential oil - obtained by the method of steam distillation from the leaves of a rather tall tree-bay, the smell of oil, very spicy, pungent and rich. The oil has a unique chemical composition, thanks to which it helps with anxiety, depressive conditions, the oil at the same time soothes and tones our body.

Bay oil helps in the treatment of hair loss, stimulates growth, awakens dormant hair follicles, prevents dandruff and other scalp diseases, the oil affects not only the hair follicle, but also the hair shaft itself, nourishes it and prevents hair breakage.

Geranium essential oilGeranium essential oil - a very complex oil containing more than 200 components. The oil is obtained by steam distillation of fresh leaves and greens, the aroma is floral, reminiscent of a rose, the color of the oil can be from rich yellow to slightly green.

The oil eliminates rashes and peeling of the skin, has anti-inflammatory, healing, antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. Improves the tone of cerebral vessels, relieves spasms, increases mental and physical activity.

Geranium oil is one of the few that has a strong effect on the skin and is well tolerated. Its versatile regulating properties make it suitable for dry, damaged hair prone to dandruff.

Ylang Ylang essential oil

Ylang Ylang essential oil - a unique aphrodisiac oil (increases erotic attraction), Polynesian women use oil as a perfume. The oil has a spicy, sweet and rich floral scent. You need 50-60 kg. ylang-ylang flowers to make 1 liter of essential oil.

The oil has a good effect on the nervous system, relieves depression, relaxes, helps with insomnia and PMS.

In the Victorian era, ylang-ylang oil was included in hair growth balms, it stimulates and tones up blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes it, and is suitable for all hair types. The oil penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and stimulates its regeneration, suitable for both dry and oily skin. The oil has long been used to strengthen and polish nails.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil - universal oil is recognized as one of the main aromas in aromatherapy, the oil is a strong antiseptic, bactericidal and regenerating agent. To get 1 liter of lavender essential oil, you need to process 100-200 kg. lavender flowers, herbal oil smell, fresh, even a little sweet. Even in ancient Rome and Greece, lavender oil was used and highly valued for its aromatic and cleansing properties.

The oil is widely used in hair care: it eliminates scalp itching and dandruff, and is suitable for dry, weakened, damaged hair. blends perfectly with other oils.

Cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil obtained from dried bark, shoots, leaves of a tree of the laurel family of the genus Cinnamomum. The properties of cinnamon essential oil can be different, they depend on which part of the tree they were obtained from. The essential oil obtained from the bark of the tree should not be applied on the skin due to its strong irritant effect. Cinnamon leaf oil also has irritating properties, but not as strong, on the skin this oil is used in a dissolved form. The oil sourced from the bark has the familiar spice scent, while the oil sourced from the leaves smells like cloves and is usually less expensive than the oil sourced from the bark.

The oil is used for hair loss and to stimulate hair growth. The oil has a warming effect, which stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and, accordingly, the nutrients penetrate better to the hair roots.

Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil - the oil is obtained from the branches of a small evergreen shrub, you need about 100 kg of branches to get 1 liter of essential oil. The oil has stimulating and antiseptic properties.

Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth, strengthens it, helps in the treatment of dandruff, hair loss, relieves itching and improves scalp condition, reduces excess sebum production, hair looks cleaner longer, ideal for those with dark hair.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil - the most powerful natural antiseptic, it is a broad-spectrum oil. For the first time, they learned about the healing properties of the tea tree from the aborigines of Australia and very quickly it became popular on all continents.Over time, tea tree oil has been recognized by the American and European Pharmacopoeia as an antifungal and bactericidal agent.

The oil is used for hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp, ideal for hair prone to oily. With regular use, the scalp begins to breathe, and the hair roots are noticeably strengthened, blood circulation to the scalp also improves and hair growth accelerates. Tea tree oil is added to all types of cosmetics: creams, lotions, shampoos, gels, sprays, emulsions.

Tips for using essential oils

  • Follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Don't use essential oil if you don't like the smell.
  • Do not apply undiluted oils to the skin and mucous membranes, this can cause redness or even burns (but, there are some oils that can be applied: lavender, frankincense, tea tree oil).
  • During pregnancy, it is best to refrain from using essential oils.
  • When using essential oils, try to keep the area well ventilated.
  • Store essential oils tightly closed and in a dark place, while citrus essential oils are best kept in the refrigerator.

Published in the section: Hair oils comment 2
comment 2
  1. Julie

    I am glad that essential oils are now being sold in large quantities. This helps you take better care of your hair. I also use essential oils. and after using them regularly, I noticed that my hair is much better. They not only began to shine, but also fell out less. Looks like the food is good.

  2. Yuliya

    Yes this is true. What oils do you use?

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