Ways to use essential oils for hair

Essential oils are the best, taken from nature, from the very heart of a plant (an elixir of health and longevity).

Before adding essential oils to your hair care, you first need to find out what they are for you, what problem you want to solve and what result you expect from them. There are oils that will help get rid of hair loss, dandruff, excess oiliness or dry hair, help restore and strengthen our curls, for more details on how to choose an essential oil for specific hair problems, you can read in this article... Here we have put together ways to use oils for you.

Ways to use essential oils

Hair masks with essential oil

Essential oil masks are the most popular in home care. Essential oils can be added to such home masks:

  • Oil masks
  • Mustard masks
  • Masks with tincture of red pepper (capsicum)
  • Cognac and honey masks
  • Cinnamon masks
  • Ginger masks

The easiest way is to add a few drops (3-5) of essential oil to base oil and apply on hair, such yourself, an oil wrap.

Mask with red pepper tincture and essential oil

  • 2 tablespoons of red pepper tincture;
  • 2 tablespoons of base oil (olive, jojoba, castor ...);
  • 5 drops of vitamins A and E in oil;
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil (bay, orange, lavender, rosemary, ylang-ylang ...).

We mix all the ingredients in a glass container. Apply the mask along the partings to the scalp, you can apply your favorite base oil to the ends. We warm it with a shower cap or cellophane wrap, wrap it with a warm towel, you can wear a warm woolen hat. We keep it somewhere from 40 minutes to 1 hour (it should warm up a little and pinch). Then wash off with shampoo, preferably twice. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week for no more than two months and take a break.

Oil mask to strengthen hair

  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 5-8 drops of essential oil.

Mix olive and linseed oil in a glass container, heat in a water bath, add essential oil to the heated mixture. Apply to scalp before washing hair. Try to keep your hair free of foam, varnish and other styling products before applying the mask. The mask needs to be insulated: wrap it with plastic wrap and insulate it with a woolen hat (you can take a steam bath or warm it up with a hair dryer for about 10 minutes) for at least one hour, or longer if you have time. The mask is washed off with two washes of shampoo.

Clay mask with essential oil

  • 1 tablespoon of clay (blue, white, pink, green);
  • 1/2 tablespoon of water (boiled), or mineral water, or a decoction of herbs;
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil (again depending on the problem).

The mask is done before washing your hair. Dilute the clay with water until the consistency of sour cream, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask to the hair roots and insulate, for about 20-30 minutes. Then wash your hair as usual, but using a mask or balm for hair length, otherwise the hair will be coarse. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Enrichment of cosmetics with essential oils

Enrichment shampoos: add 2-3 drops of essential oil to one portion of shampoo, depending on the type of hair or the problem you want to cope with. It is advisable to take a shampoo without silicones, and even better natural. It is important not just to wash, but to do a light massage and leave for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Enrichment of masks: If you want to add oil to a purchased mask, then you should choose esters that have more effect on the hair itself, and not on the scalp. Take a purchased mask, add 10-15 drops of essential oil to it, and apply as usual after washing your hair.It is advisable to hold such a mask not for 10 minutes, as the manufacturers generally recommend, but for 30 minutes, it can also be insulated and after the expiration of time, rinse thoroughly with water (rinse off for 2-3 minutes).

Rinsing: add 2-3 drops of essential oil to 1 liter of water and after all procedures, at the end, rinse your hair with this water. It is better to take oils that act more on the length than on the hair roots.

Aroma combing

The procedure is very simple, but how much benefit and pleasure it brings, besides, it is an excellent massage of the scalp, which causes blood flow and thus stimulates the growth of new hair.

If you want to do aroma combing, the main thing here is that you can relax and that the procedure brings you pleasure, also choose an essential oil that you like by its smell (when I was with my master hairdresser, she washed my hair and said that the skin on my head I have very tense, even when she massages, and when it is tense to the hair roots due to spasm, nutrients are not supplied and this is bad not only for the hair ... The master advised me to do aroma combing before going to bed, and I just fell in love with this procedure).

For this procedure, we need:

  • a comb made of natural materials (wooden is better for me);
  • essential oil - 3-5 drops;
  • well ventilated room;
  • favorite music or movie.

We comb the hair well beforehand to make it easier to massage. Apply essential oil to the comb. Carefully and gently we begin to comb the hair, you can try to massage the scalp in a circular motion (I really like combing with my head down against the hair growth), it already depends on your preferences. We do this massage from 5 to 10 minutes no more, somewhere 2-3 times a week.

What gives aroma combing

  • massage the scalp, which stimulates blood flow and accelerates growth;
  • saturate your hair with oxygen;
  • helps with complex therapy for hair loss;
  • essential oils help to solve many problems depending on the type of hair;
  • just a pleasant, relaxing procedure.

Salt peeling of the scalp

For this procedure we need:

  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt;
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil (we choose the oil, depending on what problem you want to cope with);
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl, then rinse your hair and scalp well with water. Then we take the salt and rub it into the scalp along the parting (we do not touch the hair), the salt will crumble, but what remains will be enough for the procedure. Massage the scalp for about 5 minutes and leave it on the head for another 5-10 minutes, and then wash your hair as usual. Salt peeling is enough to do once every one to two weeks.

What does scalp peeling give

  • deeply cleanses the scalp from dead cells (most importantly);
  • regulates fat metabolism (important for oily hair);
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • eliminates itching, stimulates the tone of the scalp;
  • improves blood circulation to the scalp;
  • activates the growth of new hair;
  • hair stays clean longer

Take care of your hair and they will surely thank you with beauty and health!

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