Salt peeling of the scalp

Every day we cleanse the skin of the face and body in different ways, from impurities, cosmetics, use cleansers, masks, scrubs to cleanse pores and dead skin cells. But at the same time we forget that the scalp also needs cleansing (deeper than washing with shampoo). Peeling is an obligatory stage of skin care and not only of the face, body, but also of the scalp.

Scalp peeling with saltWhat does scalp peeling give?

  • Cleans the scalp from dead cells (most importantly);
  • Activates the growth of new hair (very important for hair loss);
  • Regulates fat metabolism (important for oily hair);
  • Eliminates itching, stimulates the tone of the scalp;
  • Eliminates dandruff;
  • Improves blood flow to hair follicles (all useful vitamins and substances penetrate better into the scalp). It is very good to rub in various serums, lotions, tonics against hair loss after peeling, their properties improve several times.

Scalp peeling methods

1. For oily hair


  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt (fine or medium ground);
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil, depending on the type of skin;
  • 1 tablespoon water or herbal decoction (chamomile, nettle, calamus oak bark).

2. For dry hair


  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt (fine or medium ground);
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil, depending on the type of skin;
  • 1 tablespoon of base oil (olive, almond, jojoba, avocado, wheat germ, pumpkin seed)

Do before washing your hair

Stage 1. We mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl, depending on the type of hair (I alternate two methods in turn for dry and oily).

Stage 2.We moisten the hair and scalp with warm water and rub salt along the partings. But, just rub it into the scalp, do not touch the hair (a lot of salt will crumble, but even what remains will be enough).

Stage 3... Massage the scalp for about 5 minutes and leave the mixture on the head for another 5 minutes.

Stage 4. I wash my hair as usual: shampoo, conditioner (mask), tonics, serums ...

We do it once a week or one month. Then a break for a month, then once every two weeks, then again a break for a month ... and so on.

I started doing scalp exfoliation about three years ago when I saw on TV a program about salt scalp peeling with almond oil and no essential oils. I did it for a long time, but I did not know anything about the breaks that need to be done periodically between courses, and of course I ensured myself a dry scalp and abandoned it.

But when I was faced with intense hair loss that was not related to a change in the season or pregnancy. I got to the trichologist, and how was my surprise that she did not prescribe me expensive drugs, serums, and one of the first (not including drug treatment) prescribed salt peeling of the scalp. But only from the peeling scheme and breaks so as not to dry the scalp.

And yet, if you have any wounds, microcracks or very dry scalp, it is better to wait with this procedure.

Choosing an essential oil for your scalp

essential oils for hair1. From hair loss:

  • hit
  • ylang-ylang
  • tea tree
  • pine, cedar
  • rosemary
  • cinnamon
  • juniper

2. From oily hair

  • lemon
  • Orange
  • grapefruit
  • tea tree
  • rosemary
  • melisa
  • mint
  • cedar

3. From dry hair

  • jasmine
  • lavender
  • the Rose
  • sage
  • myrrh
  • chamomile
  • ylang-ylang

4. From dandruff

  • lavender
  • tea tree
  • lemon
  • Orange
  • grapefruit
  • geranium
  • rosemary

Undoubtedly, the scalp needs deep cleansing from keratinized scales, which is very useful for improving the hair and scalp. It will also relieve you of excess sebum and cosmetics that accumulate on the scalp.

Important! After peeling, all hair remedies are effective at times.

Published in the section: Scalp care comment 4
comment 4
  1. masha

    Thank you for such a detailed, step-by-step recipe. I will definitely try)

  2. Yuliya


  3. Oksana

    Sea salt or salt?

    • Yuliya

      Marine and not large

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