Scalp care. A healthy scalp is the key to healthy hair

It so happened that we know a lot more about facial skin care than about scalp care, but this does not mean that the scalp does not need care. Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp; here is the hair growth zone, the center of their nutrition and blood supply, that is, everything that is needed for the growth, health and beauty of our hair.

The sensitivity of the scalp can be inherited, in such cases it is necessary to use products specially designed for sensitive skin.

Scalp care

Nutrition of the scalp from the inside

Hair in the growth phase is very sensitive to the components (nutrients) that our body receives, and it is also worth noting that they come to the hair last, when more important organs are saturated with them. That's why vitamin complexes are a good nourishment for our hair. And do not count on an instant result, the result from the use of vitamins will be noticeable after two to three months of taking, and sometimes even after six.

Before you start taking it, it is better to consult your doctor.

Proper washing not only of hair, but also of the scalp

We know that all skin care starts with cleansing and the scalp is no exception. Wash your hair as soon as it gets dirty. As for the shampoo, it must be selected according to the type of scalp, not hair. If the scalp is dry, then the shampoo should be mild, with a low pH level. When choosing a shampoo for oily scalp, it is recommended to choose shampoos for frequent use or special - for hair prone to oily. When washing, the water should be at a comfortable temperature and not in any way hot, and at the end of washing, you can rinse with cool water, which will stimulate blood circulation.

Comb your hair well before washing, this will help remove dirt and dead skin cells from the scalp, and will also make it easier to comb after washing.

If you apply thermal water to your hair after washing, it will slow down the work of the sebaceous glands.

Deep cleansing of the scalp

Scalp care must necessarily include deep cleansing or, as they say now, peeling.

What is scalp peeling for? Dead cells accumulate on the scalp and since they are not removed properly, they linger on the surface of the hair, including at the very roots of the hair, contaminate the surface of the hair, stick together under the action of sebum and attach, if not to the very surface of the skin (clogging the ducts glands, the mouth of the follicle), then very close to it. And this leads to clogged pores, the scalp does not breathe, the hair weakens and begins to fall out. Peeling also cleanses the scalp from styling products and silicones that accumulate on the scalp and other impurities.

Peeling will allow the skin to breathe freely, improve its metabolism, accelerate blood circulation, which means the hair will begin to grow faster, strengthen and fall out less.

Scalp peeling is recommended once a month, while you can use purchased special means, but you can make a scrub at home yourself from sea ​​salt, sugar or coffee grounds.

Scalp massage

Scalp massage improves blood circulation and nutrients penetrate better to the hair roots from which healthy and strong hair will grow. At the same time, massage stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands, so it is advisable to massage before washing your hair.

You can enhance the effect of massage using various mixtures: essential oil, vegetable oil, herbal tinctures or pharmacy vitamins.

Massage can be done in several ways, for example, with the "Goosebump antistress" massager

Goosebump antistress for hair growthApparat Darsonval

Darsonval for hair lossAnd the easiest way is to massage with your fingers.

Scalp massage with your fingertips

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