What if hair is not growing?

Thick, shiny, strong hair is a sign of health, a true international standard of beauty. Since ancient times, people have paid close attention to their hairstyle, because if the mirror of the soul is our eyes, then our hair is able to tell about the state of the whole organism.

Why does it sometimes become a struggle for life to grow a braid to the waist? Why does hair grow too slowly or not even grow at all? There can be many reasons, but it is better to pay special attention to the most frequent ones.

How to Awaken Hair to Grow

Hair does not grow: the main reasons

It is important to remember that delayed hair growth may be due to genetics... Don't underestimate the importance of the hereditary factor! In this particular case, such a phenomenon is not a cause for serious concern, rather it is just an annoying flaw.

But hair growth problems are not always so superficial. As mentioned above, our hair is a kind of reflection of our own health. Diseases, hormonal disorders, even constant stress or improper nutrition can have a negative effect on the hair follicle located in the scalp.

If rational and home-based methods do not help solve your problem, or if it gets worse and becomes more pronounced, then you should immediately turn to an experienced trichologist for advice, because a banal external problem can harbor much more dangerous roots.

When is it not worth delaying a visit to a specialist?

  • If you suddenly begin to lose a lot of hair;
  • When hair does not grow at all for a long time, it becomes too dry, breaks easily;
  • If stunted hair growth or hair loss occurs as a result of poor physical well-being.

Remember that beauty and physical health are inextricably linked, and in the presence of a serious problem, it is ineffective to heal the symptoms!

Hair growth problems in men

Often, men first encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as baldness only when they cross a certain age line. But this is not always the case: according to experts, over the past ten years, the problem of early baldness has become significantly aggravated. Nowadays, even those representatives of the strong half of humanity who have barely crossed the twenty-year milestone are faced with it.

What is the reason for this? The most common reasons are:

  • Wrong lifestyle, alcohol, tobacco abuse, regular lack of sleep, unhealthy diet;
  • As a side effect after previous illnesses, as a result of excessive drug intake;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Too zealous attitude to sports, the use of chemicals that stimulate muscle growth;
  • Obesity or drastic weight loss, as well as frequent weight jumps;
  • Strong stress and nervous feelings.

Sudden hair loss should not be ignored and such a problem should not be ignored, because without proper treatment and timely intervention, it will be extremely difficult to stop hair loss! Do not hesitate to contact specialists or try to find ways on your own (if they are harmless and not prohibited). This is the problem of most modern men, and therefore trying to hide and hush it up is an extremely stupid decision. It is important to remember that the sooner you resort to the help of a specialist when this problem occurs, the sooner you start active treatment, the more effective and easier it is to stop this unpleasant disease, prevent it from getting worse and turn into a real problem.

How to awaken dormant follicles

Why doesn't new hair grow on your head?

We have already identified the main causes of hair loss and slow hair growth. Now we will analyze the general mechanism of hair growth, consider it in more detail.

Normally, any person's hair follicles fall out daily. And new, dormant hair follicles are activated. In a healthy person, this process is balanced, and therefore natural hair loss does not negatively affect the hairstyle, does not cause problems for its owner.

Under certain circumstances, new hair follicles may not activate or activate too slowly. It follows from this that hair falls out constantly, but new ones do not grow. This can be a catastrophic problem, since it significantly reduces the thickness of the hair on the head, spoils the general appearance of a person, makes him nervous and worried about his appearance.

The most common causes of too slow hair growth are:

  • Insufficient nutrition of the hair follicles, when the body has pronounced problems with the blood vessels and the cardiovascular system;
  • Diseases transferred in the acute phase, inflammatory processes;
  • Long-term use of strong medications, as well as general anesthesia, etc.;
  • Avitaminosis, insufficient body weight;
  • Latent diseases in the body.

Hair growth problems: treatment with folk remedies

The first thing that comes to mind for a person who decides to start fighting for the beauty of their hair is burdock oil. Active use of it is really capable of somewhat improving the appearance and quality of growing hairs. To do this, they often use a simple recipe: oil is rubbed into the hair roots, leaving such a kind of mask on the scalp for a long time (about 2-3 hours, if possible, then overnight) under a film, and then just wash your head with the usual shampoo. Regular use of burdock oil can have a positive and good effect on the following problems:

  • Breakable, dry ends;
  • Hair that is too dull and lacks luster;
  • Moderate hair follicle loss.

Traditional medicine also offers herbal teas. After washing, hair can be rinsed in an infusion of nettle and chamomile to strengthen it and give it a lively shine. Calendula and burdock against hair loss and irritated, dry scalp. Mint and birch leaves will help reduce the oiliness of the scalp and eliminate dandruff.

How to solve the problem on your own

Herbs and oils aren't the only ones that can help with hair loss or stunted hair growth. Homemade natural masks - the most common remedy. For example, a mustard powder mask causes some burning sensation on the scalp, activates increased blood circulation.

They are actively used in this matter and Brewer's yeast, they are available in the form of tablets and are taken internally, or in their natural form for masks, balms. Some claim that this is an excellent, proven and effective medicine for stopping hair loss. And also to accelerate their growth.

Of course, when self-medicating, it is important to remember that it can be harmful. And it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of side effects and contraindications so as not to cause any complications.

Hair growth products

Professional products to accelerate hair growth

Medical professional cosmetics should be bought in pharmacies or from specialized representatives, and be sure to check for a certificate! If you are going to use the services of a beauty salon, then do not be lazy to find out information about what kind of products the master is going to work with, whether they are right for you.

In addition to special lines of shampoos and masks, the market also presents hair capsules. Often these are dosed bottles with valuable nourishing oils, vitamins, microelements. Capsules are used in a course: from one week to three months. The contents of the capsule are rubbed into the hair roots with careful massage movements.

There are also drugs that contain hormones. They are usually used when all other options and methods have not given the desired result. Such funds should be prescribed only by a doctor!

How to awaken dormant hair follicles

Perhaps the safest and most effective method to use is scalp massage. Stimulating hair follicles and increasing blood circulation have a positive effect. Hair begins to grow faster. You can also buy a special massage brush. There are also special massager devices on sale for a long time, which further simplify the work. The choice is yours!

The articleHow to awaken dormant hair follicles, you can find out the most effective tips that have been tested by many for more than one year.

There are also special massager devices on sale for a long time, which further simplify the work. The choice is yours!

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