What to do if the hair is tangled and difficult to comb?

I know firsthand what matted hair is? Since childhood, I have curly hair and for me combing was worse than any punishment. I remember how when they took me to my grandmother and I walked for three days with the same hairstyle, she did not insist to comb my hair (she was sorry), and I came up with different reasons not to do this. But when I arrived home, my mother spent the whole evening combing her hair, applying oil on it (in my opinion, sunflower oil), in order to at least somehow comb it before washing. Now I have already learned to cope with this problem myself, so I am sharing what helps me.

Common Causes of Hair Tangle

I have heard the opinion that the hair is confused from improper nutrition, I will say that this is nonsense. Yes, hair health depends on nutrition, but this does not affect tangling in any way, believe me, I adhere to proper nutrition all my life, I do not eat harmful products, but my hair still gets tangled. But as for leaving, then it's worth thinking about. Many people say that the problem of tangling hair can be solved with a short haircut, but this option is not for me, and besides, I am not looking for easy ways.

  • if the hair is very curly from birth, then it is prone to matting by nature and here you can help with the right care products;
  • hair can be tangled due to dryness and brittleness of the ends of the hair, which can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals, frequent use of styling products and appliances, or improperly selected hair care cosmetics;
  • tangle of hair can be caused by frequent exposure to the sun without a headdress or in the cold - in winter;
  • Also, accumulated static electricity can lead to tangling of hair - fluffy light hair is attracted to each other and tangled, and then combing them is a whole problem.

How to solve the problem of hair tangling?

Photo: How to solve the problem of hair tangling?Regular haircut

I always try to trim the ends of my hair every two to three months. Do not cut off five centimeters, but one or two. Earlier I still practiced home haircuts with "flagella". She took a lock of hair, twisted it into a tourniquet, sat in front of the window, took scissors and cut off all the split ends, but here it is important that the scissors are sharp and designed for cutting hair. I will say this is long and tedious, I lost so much for about a year and decided that it was better to go to the master once every three months.

Be sure to comb your hair before washing your hair

My mother also taught me to comb my hair before washing, I do it already on the machine, every time before washing my hair I thoroughly comb my hair and do a light massage, sometimes I can add a few more drops of essential oil (beat, orange, mint, rosemary). This makes the process of combing the hair much easier after washing, the hair is less tangled and easier to style. And do not comb your wet hair, immediately after washing, first gently squeeze and blot the hair with a towel (without rubbing or curling it).

Find a quality, safe hair comb

I can say with confidence that this is the very first and most important point to start with. Why is it important to choose not only a high-quality, but also a safe hairbrush? Because many combs injure the hair when combing. For example, a low-quality wooden comb can be great harm to the hair, the burrs that form on the comb injure the hair shaft and it can break off in length, split and fluff. Therefore, a properly selected comb solves half of the problems with hair, and the other half is solved by correctly selected hair products. The best quality combs are considered to be brushes made of natural or partially natural bristles, as well as wooden ones and the famous Tangle Teezer.Use only clean combs, preferably washed once a week with a mild shampoo. I have a bunch of different combs (natural bristle, wooden, ionized), but I put them all aside and now only use Tangle Teezer, for me it is both the best comb and the best scalp massager.

Braid your hair overnight in a loose braid to protect it from tangling and damage.

Find the right hair cosmetics

I think everyone knows that shampoo is selected according to the type of scalp, and balm and conditioner according to the type of hair. How to choose the right shampoo for normal, dry and oily hair, you can read in this article... It is advisable to have in your arsenal several shampoos (neutral, for frequent use; acid shampoo with a low pH level up to 6 - it is good for damaged hair; and one alkaline shampoo (pH greater than 7) for deep cleansing of the scalp and hair.

Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just soap the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo from your head, it will flow through your hair and rinse the length of your hair.

Our credo in the care of hair length: moisturize, nourish and restore. After every shampoo, be sure to apply conditioner and apply a hair mask once a week or more. It is better to choose masks from professional series, they take a little time to work and give good results.

Leave-in creams and sprays

Leave-in products such as oils, serums, creams, fluids, crystals are a must for tangle-free hair. Today, many manufacturers have special products to detangle hair or make it easier to detangle.

Always use a heat protectant (cream, spray, or oil to keep hair from overheating) before using styling tools. In all professional brands of hair cosmetics, there are thermal protection products, they can be washed off and indelible.

Traditional treatments for hair loss

Home cosmetics against matted hair

  1. Natural base oils. There is a huge selection of hair base oils, which you can read about in the article. Natural hair oils - how to choose?
    and each of these oils has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair length, for example: argan, avocado, coconut, jojoba, linseed, broccoli. And at the same time, you do not need to come up with complex recipes, you just need to heat the oil in a water bath and apply it warmly to the length of the hair, stepping back from the roots, insulate and hold for as long as possible. As a child, my mother used to apply oil to my hair to make combing easier.
  2. Rinsing hair with acidified water. Also, the recipe from childhood, but it still works, you need to take 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice per liter of water and at the end, after all the procedures (shampooing), rinse your hair with this acidified infusion.

There are also a number of homemade masks for dry, porous hair that also help to cope with detangling of hair, you can read about them in this article.

Salon treatments for tangle-free hair

Salons also keep up with the problem of tangle-free hair. There are many special treatments that can help tangle hair for quite some time, but over time, the problem will return anyway. Read reviews before doing these procedures.

  1. Hair keratinization
  2. Glazing hair
  3. Lamination of hair
  4. Biolamination of hair
  5. Hair shielding
  6. Hair polishing
  7. Hair Cauterization
  8. Haircut with hot scissors

Almost any salon procedures have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, but their cost is not affordable for everyone.


Published in the section: Hair care comment 2
comment 2
  1. Svetlana

    Thanks for the text, I also have curly hair since childhood, combing my hair is also a problem for me, but I still comb it, I hope this text was useful for you as it was for me

    • Yuliya

      Thank you for your feedback)

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