Hot hair wrap

Yes, do not be surprised, the wrap is for hair. They are just as good for the scalp as the well-known body wraps. In just a month, you will transform your hair for the better if you do body wraps correctly and regularly.

Hot hair wrap

Of course, you should not expect instant results, it is not necessary that after the first procedure your hair, as in advertising, will become shiny, smooth and silky. However, warm masks work very well on the scalp. The wraps not only deeply cleanse it and improve blood circulation, but also improve the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as moisturize, oxygenate and nourish with vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles, and subsequently on the condition of the hair. If you add protein-rich foods to the mask, for example, crushed sprouted wheat grains, then the curls will shine (unless, of course, the state of the hair cuticle is not very neglected).

But you have to be careful. Cosmetic procedures may be contraindicated, and warm wraps are no exception. This procedure is contraindicated during inflammatory and infectious diseases. You can not make warm masks for people who have problems with the skin and lymph nodes, as well as people with endocrine, cardiac and vascular disorders. Wraps should be used with caution for hypertensive patients. Such procedures are not recommended for pregnant women.

Skip the procedure during your period. If you are prone to allergies, the procedure is also contraindicated. It is not recommended to carry out home wraps if your hair is falling out a lot, because this may be the result of internal problems of the body (they must be established by contacting a specialist), in which case the wraps will not help to preserve the hair.

Hair wrapping process

It is preferable to carry out the procedure in the evening. Experts believe that after six in the evening (but no later than ten), the skin absorbs beneficial substances most actively and removes toxins more effectively. The wraps will be most useful if they are carried out twice a week for 5-7 weeks. The course of procedures should be repeated every six months.

For warm wraps, of course, warmth is needed. It is the heat that opens the pores, speeding up the metabolism. The required temperature can be achieved by wrapping your head with a pre-heated terry towel. By the way, the product for the mask is also heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, but not hot.

The process of applying the product resembles hair dyeing, therefore, it is best to use a brush for dyeing, in the absence of one, you can use a toothbrush with soft bristles. You should start from the top of the head. Separating a thin curl, gently massaging the scalp, rub in a little product and then distribute it over the entire curl. If the hair is long, each curl needs to be rolled up and fixed. The product remaining after application, put on the buns simply with your hands.

Then you can put on a shower cap (plastic wrap, plastic bag) and be sure to wrap it in a warm towel. The towel can be heated by holding it on the radiator or under the iron. The exposure time of the mask is from 20 minutes to one and a half hours, the optimal one is about an hour. It is recommended to periodically change one towel for another warmed one (if the exposure time is 1 hour or more).

Next, you need to thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the mask with warm running water. Then wash your hair with your usual shampoo. If the composition for wrapping was made on the basis of oil, it is better to use a peeling shampoo. Due to the content of active ingredients, such a shampoo better than usual removes the oil film both from the scalp and directly from the hair.In conclusion, be sure to rinse your hair with an acidified solution of water, adding lemon juice or natural vinegar (apple, wine) to it, especially when using oil or egg yolk as part of the wrap.

Oil wraps

Oil wraps are becoming more and more popular every day. You can come up with a recipe yourself by choosing base oil and additional ingredients. When choosing oils and ingredients, be guided by their effect. Thus, olive oil restores hair structure; almond - gives hair elasticity and shine; palm - has a strengthening effect on the hair roots; burdock - makes hair softer and shinier, strengthens their roots; coconut - will provide your strands with shine and softness, eliminate slight flaking or dandruff; sesame - makes hair smooth and shiny, helps with hair loss and thinning; castor oil is great for oily, thin and weak hair; avocado oil softens and moisturizes hair.

Lemon or grapefruit juice, egg yolk, honey, cognac, as well as banana, avocado and berries are often used as additional ingredients. When choosing ingredients, do not forget that some of them can change hair color, for example, lemon and grapefruit juices lighten hair, and berries - tint it.

Popular hair masks

For normal hair you can use a composition of shampoo, castor and olive oils, take 10 ml of each product.

For oily hair... Beat the yolk of one egg, add 15 ml of wine, preferably red. Apply to clean, dry (but not dry) hair. The exposure time is 30 minutes.

For dry hair vegetable oil is suitable. You will need about 4 tablespoons of it. The exposure time is 30 minutes.

It is very good to use yolk in wrapping compositions for dry hair. It can be added to a base oil or mixed with chamomile infusion. It is very easy to prepare an infusion of chamomile: 5 grams of chamomile can be poured with 50 ml of boiling water, after 4-5 hours, drain. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
For dry and brittle hair, use a mixture of avocado and olive oils, taking 1 tablespoon each. The exposure time is 30-40 minutes.

Hair loss wrap

Whisk 1 yolk, pour in 15 ml of castor oil, 10 ml each of cognac, vitamin D, lemon juice and honey. It is best to keep this wrap as long as possible.

Stir 2 tablespoons of almond bran, 1 tablespoon of milk and a glass of water, bring to a boil. Use warm infusion for wrapping. The exposure time is 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

For weakened hair. Grind 5 tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains in a blender, add 50 grams of brandy, 2 egg yolks, 20 ml sour cream, 10 ml olive oil, mix thoroughly until smooth. The exposure time is at least 30 minutes.

For damaged hair. Add 10 ml each of lemon juice, honey and cognac to 30 ml of your favorite base oil. The exposure time is at least 30 minutes.

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Hair masks

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