Thinning hair: causes and remedies

All women want their curls to be beautiful, lush and shiny. But there are many factors that can negatively affect the health of the hair. Therefore, you need to find out the cause and find suitable remedies to eliminate it.

Many people confuse thinning and hair loss. However, in the second case, there is a large loss of hairs during shampooing, combing. Thinning is a decrease in mass, that is, each hair becomes thinner, and therefore the volume of the hair disappears.

Thinning hair is a common problem that can be effectively dealt with if left untreated. Why does it appear and what to do? There can be many reasons. There are simple tips for restoring curls at home.

Thinning hair

Why does hair grow thinner?

Many men and women face this problem when their hair begins to thin and even fall out. There may be several reasons:

  • diet. With food we get vitamins and minerals. During a diet, their intake into the body is sharply reduced, and therefore the structure of the hair also suffers - the hair becomes thin and lifeless;
  • poor quality hair products. So, aggressive paints, perm - all this negatively affects the curls. This also includes the frequent use of hot air from a hair dryer, flat iron, and irons. Hair begins to break down, become thinner;
  • hormonal background. Many women experience loss of hair volume during pregnancy. It can also happen during the transition period in adolescents, during breastfeeding;
  • age. Unfortunately, with age, the bulbs weaken and the hairs become thinner. This process cannot be stopped. That is why many men and even women experience baldness;
  • bad habits. Smoking and alcohol in general is time for the whole body;
  • dermatological diseases. Seborrhea, psoriasis, fungal diseases affect the scalp, and also negatively affect the growth of hair, its structure, thickness;
  • stress. This is the most common reason leading to both profuse hair loss and thinning hair.

Treatment should be started as early as possible and the problem should be approached comprehensively. If it is a skin disease, stress, hormonal imbalance, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe medications to eliminate these problems. You also need to choose good hair care cosmetics.

What to do if your hair starts to thin?

First of all, you need to identify the cause. If it is associated with diseases, they need to be cured, and then your hair will recover on its own. If you often style your hair with various products and hot appliances, you need to do this less often and be sure to use thermal protection.

Look for firming shampoos, conditioners and masks that will nourish your skin and strengthen your curls. Don't forget about masks and leave-in care. If during the year in different seasons you do not have enough vitamins and minerals, your doctor can prescribe them. It is worth remembering that this problem must be approached comprehensively.

Published in the section: Hair care / Comments: 1
Comments: 1
  1. Galina

    I do not agree with the reason because of age .. I know a lot of people after 60-70 years old, with thick, even gray hair, where there is not even a hint of baldness. I repeat, this is not such a rare case.

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