How to wash your hair with eggs? Useful Tips

Is there a shampoo that is inexpensive, readily available, natural, harmless, suitable for all hair types and able to cope with any of their problems? It turns out that it exists and, moreover, is in your refrigerator. It's about a chicken egg.

How to wash your hair with an egg?Yes, yes, this healthy, dietary food product has one more advantage, being a shampoo and conditioner, as they say, “in one bottle”. The yolk is a real mini-first aid kit, which has everything you need to heal, cleanse, nourish, restore hair, as well as to give it volume and shine.

Protein also contains trace elements necessary for hair: iron, zinc, selenium, etc., and thanks to the biotin it contains, it is able to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminate all problems associated with excessive oily hair.

Basic rules for washing hair with eggs

In order for the beneficial properties of the egg to be fully manifested, it should be remembered that:

  • Only fresh eggs should be used as shampoo (no more than 5 days) with an intact smooth shell without spots.
  • The egg yolk should be intensely colored, and the white should be absolutely transparent.
  • The shampoo is prepared immediately before use and is not subject to long-term storage.
  • If the hair is normal or dry, only the yolk is used to wash the scalp, and a whole egg is used for oily hair. With oily seborrhea, washing the head with one protein is shown in order to dry it and eliminate the fat content.

In the case of very oily hair, it is recommended to wash it dry: the protein is whipped into a lather and applied to the hair. After the head is completely dry, the product is carefully removed with a thick comb. After the procedure, the hair looks clean, gains volume and shine. Unfortunately, this method is only suitable for short hair, since it is extremely difficult to comb out protein from long curls.

We wash my head with an eggThe basic recipe for egg shampoo is extremely simple: the yolk is mixed with 100 gr. water and beat with a mixer until foam forms. The product is applied to slightly damp hair and after 10-12 minutes the head is washed in the same way as with a regular shampoo. No balms or rinses are required. One yolk is enough for short dry hair, for long hair - two or more yolks.

The recipe can be slightly diversified by adding fatty kefir, castor oil, ylang-ylang or lavender oil (for dry and normal hair) or coffee, lemon juice, cognac, rosemary or tea tree infusion (for fatty ones).

And one last tip: since at first it is usually impossible to rinse your head well, you can add a couple of drops of regular shampoo to the mixture, subsequently gradually reducing its amount. And after a while your hair will get used to natural egg shampoo, and then you will be able to fully appreciate all its benefits.

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