How to make hair thick and dense

Not all women are lucky enough to have thick hair that shines with health and beauty. For many, curls split, break, dull or tend to fall out. The density of hair is influenced by the individual characteristics of the organism, namely the number of hair follicles and the thickness of the hair. Also, the cause of weakened hair, in addition to genetic characteristics, is the negative impact of the environment, unhealthy diet, diseases, vitamin deficiency, hard water, low-quality cosmetics and more. It is impossible to change the structure of the hair, but it is quite possible to improve its condition.

Basic rules for hair care

  1. Care is always necessary, and not something like "Last year I made a mustard hair mask, but they never grow," but complex, regular and, most importantly, suitable for your hair type. Any care is based on 3 steps - cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition. They should only be carried out in that order and not otherwise.
  2. Use quality proven hair cosmetics or carefully study the composition before buying. It should be as natural as possible. The presence of sulfates will not heal your curls, and, according to some doctors, it can lead to irritation of the scalp, mucous membranes of the eyes, and if it penetrates into the body, it can harm the respiratory system and the work of the brain.
  3. A little tip: 3 times a week, you can rinse your hair with green tea, as well as infusions of various herbs. For thicker curls, choose nettle, burdock root, hops, horsetail, or calamus.
  4. If possible, try to avoid using a hair dryer, curling iron, or iron. If you cannot do without such devices in any way, purchase thermal protection. It will take care of your hair and protect it from heat.
  5. Under the influence of sunlight or frost, the hair weakens, in particular, it loses the moisture that it needs. Wear hats and make nourishing masks that saturate the curls with vitamins, nutrients and restore water balance.
  6. Girls, whose hairstyle is constantly exposed to paint, need this product to be as gentle as possible. Today, the shelves of cosmetic stores have been replenished with the so-called organic dyes, the manufacturers of which assure that the curls will not suffer at all.
  7. The hairdresser should be visited at least once every two months. It is not necessary to cut off 10 cm of hair if you want to grow it back. But it is simply necessary to trim the tips. If your curls are badly damaged, do not feel sorry for them. They are lifeless and, moreover, draw vitamins and minerals that would strengthen the living parts of the hair.

Thick and dense hair

we are what we eat

A number of elements that should be present in your diet will help to thicken your hair: vitamins A, C, B5, B6, iron, zinc, amino acids and more. You can fill the body with missing vitamins using special complexesthat are in every pharmacy. Usually the course is 3 months.

Eat meat and dairy products - they are good sources of protein and will help restore hair structure. Nuts, soy and liver will provide keratin in the hair.

We are what we eat

Follicle activation

There are 4 phases in the life of a hair:

  • peace;
  • height;
  • stabilization;
  • dropping out.

It so happens that the hair cannot get out of the resting phase in any way, and therefore there is no density. Massage your scalp and apply masks to increase circulation. This will improve the situation and accelerate hair growth.

Scalp massage

Try to massage your head every day. The principle is as follows:

  • You need to do it in a circular motion.
  • Start at the temple area and move towards the back of the head, and then towards the center of the head.
  • Do not press hard, the movement should stimulate blood flow, and not create painful sensations.

There are special products that activate the hair follicles. Here are some recipes:

• Mix burdock and castor oil with lemon juice in a 1: 1: 1 ratio, apply on hair for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

• Prepare a mixture of castor oil and red pepper tincture also in a 1: 1 ratio. Spread on her head and wash off after 15 minutes.

Such options are not suitable for daily use, it is better to use them a couple of times a week.

Grow a braid to the waist

It is known that mustard powder, tincture of red pepper, garlic or onion are good for improving blood circulation, and this, in turn, activates hair growth. Don't be afraid to use these products, unpleasant smell and slight burning sensation is not a reason to give up luxurious, healthy hair. Mask example:

  • Scarlet, a quarter of a medium onion, egg yolk and 2 cloves of garlic, chop with a blender.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of burdock oil and mustard powder, mix.
  • Apply to the hair roots, wrap your head with cling film and a towel on top (or whatever is convenient for you, the main thing is to create warm conditions). Soak for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Tip: Don't spread the product all over your hair. Dry curls will not like it if they begin to dry even more. And yet, the water should not be hot. Due to the products in the mask, the scalp will slightly tingle (depending on the individual sensitivity threshold), and hot water will further enhance this sensation.

Dimexide based mask

Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory drug that can also be included in a hair mask. With its help, the beneficial components penetrate deeply into the dermis and act more actively.

The recipe is as follows:

  • Mix a teaspoon of vitamin A, E and an ampoule of vitamin B6 + a tablespoon of burdock and castor oil, mix thoroughly. Add 1 teaspoon of Dimexide, stir again.
  • Heat the mixture slightly. Remember, it must be constantly mixed and monitored so that Dimexide does not exfoliate. In case of contact with skin, you may get burned. Be careful.
  • Apply to scalp and put on a bag, then wrap up with a towel.
  • Wait 2 hours and wash off.

Use no more than 1 time per week.

Colorless henna and healthy curls

You can add volume to your hair with colorless henna. The peculiarity of the product is that it envelops each hair, thickens it and adds shine. The product can be used both in pure form and added to masks, for example:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of colorless henna with pre-warmed kefir and avocado oil, mix.
  • Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then distribute it evenly through your hair.

The effect is noticeable after three treatments.

Never forget that healthy, beautiful, envy-inducing hair is based on proper nutrition, regular grooming and care, otherwise nothing will work out. Love and take care of yourself!

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Hair masks

Hair care