Natural hair myths

If you have unusual hair from nature, then you have probably heard myths about it many times. But one should not blindly believe in unconfirmed data, based only on theory without the slightest hint of practice. Although, about some speculation, women still need to know.

Hair mythsMyth 1: Human hair is very strong

Appearance can be very deceiving. While it can appear to be quite durable and strong, natural human hair remains one of the finest hairs on the planet. Naturally, curly and curly hair tends to have much more hair per centimeter of scalp, with individual strands much thinner than natural straight and wavy hair. Good news?

Myth 2: Natural hair is not professional

Who said that the "professional" style is straight and even hair? A serious employer cares much more about what's in your head, not on it. Human hair has been and will always be acceptable in the workplace. Wear your lush hair with pride, defying gravity! Professionalism in the modern workplace is determined by actual skills, qualifications and labor productivity, not styling or lack of it. Hair that is dirty, unkempt, or styled in a way that endangers or interferes with your work is called amateur.

Myth 3: Natural hair is political.

There are people who adhere to a free spirit, a vegetarian diet, fight against deforestation, and advocate for other "natural" things. For some, this is true, but not for all. While elaborately woven afros can be a symbol of pride and strength for one, they can be a fleeting fashion trend for another. Natural female hair is as varied as humans are. Human hair can tell something about us, but it may not say a word to others.

Myth 4: Natural hair pattern and texture are the same.

Most of us are used to changing our look with styling and a variety of products, but did you know that hair changes naturally over time? Our bodies are in a state of change throughout aging, even in such little things as changing our diet. Hormone levels and health conditions can affect our hair color, strand thickness, curliness, and overall density over time. Here's how things really stand: Despite the existing strands of hair, it all depends on the existing hair follicles that are hidden under the skin. These follicles determine the quality and type of hair that grows and are influenced by everything from the foods we eat to the medications we take.

Myth 5: Regular washing, conditioning and moisturizing dries natural hair.

This myth leads some of us to deprive our hair of what it needs most: water. Curly, kinky and wavy hair thrives when it relies on hydration to care for it. Water improves hair elasticity, reduces breakage and improves the shape of curls. To reap the benefits of water: Avoid harsh sulfate-based shampoos. Look for formulas that lock in moisture in your hair to prevent hair loss, which is the real cause of dry hair.

Myth 6: Oil moisturizes natural hair

The oil is great in a wide variety of uses, but a moisturizer is not out of this opera. Hydration can only be achieved with water and water-based products. Preserving oil creams can lock in moisture in your hair. Using oils as a moisturizer will only lead to dry hair. Thus, despite the manufacturer's assurances, oil as a moisturizing tool is a myth.

Myth 7: Cutting makes natural hair grow

This is a myth that cannot be eradicated without a fight! Remember, what happens at the ends of our hair does not in any way affect what happens to the roots of our hair. Hair cutting lends itself to rigorous mathematics. While regular haircuts are a great way to keep your hair healthy, cut hair remains permanently lost length. All hair grows by about? and ? inches per month, regardless of styling, haircut, and total hair length. Thus, to see hair growth, you must be sure to cut less hair than you grow it out. Based on this, it's safe to say that a haircut will protect you from split ends, but don't forget the math if you want to let go of long hair!

Published in the section: Hair care / Comments: 1
Comments: 1
  1. Ksenia

    A very interesting article, I read it in one breath)))))

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