Why does hair split

Healthy hair is a clear sign of any woman. Beautiful, well-groomed hair will stop the eyes on yourself, bewitch. But hair requires attention and time, which we often lack.
shutterstock-700x657Split ends are a problem of all hair types that many women face and are trying to find a way out of the situation. In medical circles, this phenomenon is called "trichoptilosis". Each hair consists of several layers, the outer layer is the cuticle. Cuticle cells overlap each other like shards, laying out the hair. They help protect the inner layers of keratin. Hair begins to split or break when the cuticle cells wear out and the keratin molecules are destroyed. The hair is split into several parts. The section can be either at the ends of the hair or along the entire length. Already cut ends cannot be cured, they can only be cut off. To endlessly visit the hairdresser, reducing the length of the hair, and sometimes the length is so important for women, it's a pity. In this situation, first of all, you need to look for the cause of the problem.

The causes of split ends

The reason can be different or the reasons in the aggregate. It can be an external influence, as well as an internal state of the body or a disease. Consider the reasons that will help you on your way to chic hair:

  • The need for vitamins and minerals. Our body needs a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins, which it can share with the hair. If you have problems with the growth of nails or skin, then this is probably your cause of split ends. Analyze the foods you eat, recommend eating more fruits and vegetables, and include fish, vegetable oils and nuts rich in Omega-3 in your diet. There is also an easier way to cope in order to improve the condition of your hair, purchase a vitamin complex in the pharmacy, which contains vitamins A, E, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, zinc, silicon;
  • Lack of fluid. Hair must be moisturized to be healthy. Only you can moisturize your hair by drinking at least 2 liters of purified water per day;
  • Improper diet, bad habits. In modern metropolitan areas, all people run, eat fast food or skip meals, or even take nicotine instead of eating. These factors also affect the beauty, and therefore health, of your hair. Excessive eating of fried, spicy, fatty foods, sweets will not be good for you. Alcohol destroys vitamin A and vitamin B groups. Caffeine destroys iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, vitamins B and PP. Smoking tobacco products is the enemy of vitamins C, E, A, and selenium;
  • Ignoring the wearing of a headgear. In winter, it is better to hide your hair under a hat, or, if you are the owner of long hair, under outerwear. Under the influence of cold temperatures, the blood circulation of the hair follicles can be disrupted, which will lead not only to split ends, but also to baldness. In the summer, we all want to show off the beauty of our hair, but the sun can turn it into dry and lifeless strands. The ultraviolet light contained in the sun's rays leads to the destruction of the upper layer of the hair and, as a result, to dehydration. Do not forget about such an accessory as a hat and regularly use products to moisturize your hair with a UV filter;
  • Disease. Infections, chronic diseases, skin diseases can be the internal cause of hair cutting. Most often it is trouble with the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis. Because the absorption of beneficial vitamins and minerals is difficult;
  • Hair care. Your shampoo will not always help you care for your hair. Comb, shampooing or drying inappropriately can do as much harm as unhealthy diet.Means for washing, conditioner, mask should be suitable for your hair type and manufacturers should be alternated at least once every six months, and do not forget to rinse them thoroughly and preferably rinse them with cold water before the end of the procedure. After washing, do not rub your hair with a towel, just leave it on until the towel has absorbed moisture from the hair. The comb should be used after the hair is completely dry.
  • Coloring, styling, curling, hairstyles. A hair straightener, curling iron, hair dye, hair dryer, electric curlers are the main enemies of your hair and you need to be very careful with them. They are insidious, it seems that hair only becomes more beautiful with the help of all these means, but beautiful does not mean healthy. If you want to have long hair, then use these items to a minimum. When drying with a hairdryer, you can turn on the cold air flow, and your hair can be curled with a simple curler, as our mothers and grandmothers did, which does less damage to the hair.

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