How to awaken dormant hair follicles. Actionable tips

Hair is an integral part of our body and appearance, although they live their own lives, they are born, grow and die. On average, women have 3 to 5 years of hair growth. On average, 20-30 hairs grow from each hair follicle during life, so that is enough for a lifetime, the main thing is to save what we have.

Hair follicles "fall asleep" and hair stops growing due to various reasons (wrong lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, severe stress, lack of vitamins). Hair follicles "awaken" for active hair growth, so that it is possible to activate hair growth.

It is not possible to awaken dormant bulbs by one means, you need to do everything systematically and work in several directions at once in a complex. I will share with you what helped me to awaken the growth of new hair, after major surgery, general anesthesia and a strict diet. Just as the book writes, exactly four months after the operation, my hair began to fall out intensively, I immediately understood what the essence of the problem was and turned to the doctor for a competent treatment, mainly with regard to drug treatment, but I also received practical advice on how resume hair growth. Prepare that this process is lengthy and will take at least three months or even all six.

When the hair enters the sleep phase, the hair follicle is dormant, which means it does not function and remains empty. The longer the sleep lasts, the faster the hair thinns, and the scalp begins to show through it.

Accelerating the growth of new hair

A course of vitamins, micro and macro elements for the growth of new hair

If you want to awaken dormant bulbs, strengthen and improve hair growth, then you cannot do without additional vitamin complexes. I will not advise any specific vitamins, because those that helped me do not mean that they will help everyone. The pharmacy today has a huge number of vitamin complexes that are aimed at improving the quality of hair, skin and nails, such vitamin complexes should be drunk for about three months, and sometimes six. Monitor your iron, calcium, copper, iodine and zinc levels in your body. If you decide to drink B vitamins, then it is better to pierce them intramuscularly, in tablets they are not absorbed by anyone. And for the big picture, watch your hemoglobin (ferritin) as iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause hair loss in women.

Stimulates blood circulation and microcirculation for new hair growth

Here the basic daily rule is scalp massage. We massage the scalp every day, at least 5-10 minutes. How to massage the scalp, you can watch a video on the Internet, but after watching a bunch of videos, I realized that you need to adjust to your feelings, the main thing in this matter is regularity. Sometimes I first put a few drops on the comb. essential oil, comb my hair for about two minutes, and then I do a massage. Daily massage gives real results.

On the advice of a trichologist, I added the darsonvalization procedure to my care. I conduct it in a course of twenty days, this is such a relaxing procedure that has many points of usefulness for hair, what exactly darsonvalization gives in case of hair loss, you can read here... After darsonvalization, it is very good to apply a stimulating mask to the scalp, which will be much better to penetrate and act on the hair roots and the hair shaft itself.

Other procedures:

Deep cleansing of the scalp

Regular deep cleaning of the scalp, not with shampoo, but with a scrub, the so-called scalp peeling. It is enough to do this procedure once every two weeks. Can be done home scrub, but you can use purchased scrubs, today many manufacturers give us this opportunity. At first I thought about homemade scrubs with different compositions, and then I bought a ready-made one and realized that it suits me better and less hassle.

Stimulating hair masks

Before using stimulating masks, you need to choose quality shampoo... For the period when you start a course of masks, it is advisable to choose a shampoo without silicones, so that the substances of the mask penetrate better, you can pay attention to the series for stimulating growth, for strengthening series or against loss.

Masks that stimulate the growth of new hair are based on an irritating component: tincture of capsicum, ginger, mustard, cognac, honey, onion.

Mask with tincture of red capsicum

  • 2 tablespoons of red pepper tincture;
  • 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil;
  • 5-8 drops of bay essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask before shampooing for one to two hours, warm. Wash off the mask with shampoo 2-3 times.

Mustard oil and mustard powder mask

  • 2 tablespoons of mustard oil
  • 1-1.5 teaspoons of mustard powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of herbal decoction;
  • 5-8 drops of essential oil (bay, lemon, orange, rosemary).

We mix mustard powder with a warm decoction of herbs, then add warm mustard oil and at the end essential oil and mix everything well. Apply the mask to the scalp along the parting without affecting the length of the hair. We keep the mask insulated from 40 minutes to 1 hour and wash my head as usual.

Mask with honey and cognac

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (cold pressed)
  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass container (you can warm it up). Apply to scalp and hair before washing hair. The mask needs to be insulated: wrap it with plastic wrap and keep it warm with a woolen hat somewhere from 40 minutes to 1 hour, then wash your head with two washings of shampoo and apply a light balm or conditioner, you no longer need to apply a purchased mask so as not to overload your hair.

More masks that stimulate hair growth can be found in the article: Masks for fast hair growth and Hair loss masks.

Awakening dormant hair follicles

I wish you all beautiful and healthy hair!

Published in the section: Hair care Comments 14
Comments 14
  1. Masha

    Thank you very much, a lot of useful information. I just decided to grow my hair, so this is relevant for me.

    • Yuliya

      I am glad to help you)

  2. Irina Bondarovich

    Thank you so much, very valuable advice !!!

    • Yuliya


    • Anonymous

      Voloxin price

  3. novel


    • Yuliya


  4. Olga

    And if you take a complex of vitamins B inside (i.e. drink) and rub B6 and B12 into the scalp alternately. Can you wake up sleeping bulbs ???

    • Yuliya

      Yes, if you do everything in combination, you will stimulate hair growth.

  5. Sergey

    I tried all of the above and moreover, in one place growth begins in another, the loss progresses

    • Yuliya

      Have you been to the doctor? You may have androgenic alopecia.

  6. Maria

    Darsenval's hair falls out even more (((

    • Yuliya

      Look for the cause of hair loss inside the body.

  7. Anna

    For hair loss I use masks and onion shampoo with Twins Tek burdock oil. The shampoo provides gentle cleansing without disturbing the natural balance, giving the hair a healthy shine. Reduces hair loss. The hair becomes silky and elastic.

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Hair masks

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