The most important micronutrients and macronutrients for hair health

No matter how surprising it may sound, our hair contains more than 20 chemical elements, which are divided into macro- and microelements. The chemical composition of human hair clearly demonstrates what elements our body lacks, for this there is a special analysis of hair for chemical composition. I think many people know that hair reflects the state of our body and when hair falls out, the problem must be looked for, first of all, inside the body.

Let's look at those trace elements, without which it is impossible to imagine the health of hair. Each of these microelements performs essential functions in the body and each of them is necessary and indispensable for hair.

Zinc for hair

With a lack of zinc, early gray hair, dandruff, and even hair loss all over the head appear. It is zinc that promotes the assimilation of protein - the main building material of hair. Many hair preparations contain zinc. But, an excess of zinc is no less harmful to the body than its lack.

Zinc is called the main trace element of skin and hair. Zinc makes the skin healthy and heals irritation caused by improper care, external negative factors, regulates the sebaceous glands.

Calcium reduces zinc absorption by up to 50%.

Zinc-rich foods: seafood, seeds, nuts, eggs, flour products on yeast dough, buckwheat, peas, beans.

Zinc for hairIron deficiency and hair loss

Iron deficiency is the most common cause of hair loss in women. With a lack of iron, the hair becomes dull, brittle and splits along its entire length, and the most important thing that provokes iron deficiency is hair loss all over the head (diffuse alopecia), which is quite difficult to cure. You can read more about iron deficiency in the article: Iron deficiency and hair loss... Even a slight iron deficiency in the body is immediately reflected in the hair and skin.

Iron is directly involved in the production of hemoglobin, which in turn carries oxygen to the blood cells. The mineral saturates red blood cells with oxygen inside the body.

A lot of iron is found in beef liver, beef, seafood, buckwheat, legumes, green apples, pomegranates.

Iron deficiency and hair loss

Sulfur for hair

Sulfur is involved in the formation of keratin, of which the hair consists of 80%, and if, for one reason or another, it enters the body in insufficient quantities, then the hair immediately feels it and is the first to be hit. Sulfur is responsible for the strength of the hair structure, as well as for its shine and elasticity. Also, sulfur as a natural antioxidant protects hair from external negative influences.

Sulfur is an element of purity in the body. With its deficiency, our skin takes on an unhealthy and dirty look, begins to peel off, various spots and rashes appear on it.

A lot of sulfur is found in protein foods: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts. Parsley, spinach, zucchini, kale, legumes, and grains also have good sulfur content.

Sulfur for hair

Calcium and hair health

Calcium is involved in almost all physiological processes in the body. With a lack of calcium, it is impossible to have healthy, thick and strong hair. The benefits of calcium for hair is that it acts directly on the hair follicles, prolonging their life and strengthening them.

Calcium is a constant component of the blood. It participates in the processes of growth and activity of cells, regulation of the permeability of cell membranes, transmission of nerve impulses. It also plays an important role in the formation of the bones of the skeleton, as it is part of the supporting tissues, bones of the skeleton and teeth.

Important! Calcium is practically not assimilated without vitamins D and A, as well as phosphorus.

Most of the calcium is retained in dairy products and unrefined sesame.There is also calcium in cabbage, nuts, apples, pears, dried apricots.

Disorders of phosphorus metabolism lead to disorders of calcium metabolism and vice versa.

Calcium and hair health

Phosphorus for hair

Phosphorus is of great importance for the vital functions of the body. It is part of all tissues, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, phospholipids. Phosphorus acts as a fuel and is part of high-energy compounds. In the body, this element is found in all tissues, but most of all in muscle and bone tissues.

Many do not attach importance to this mineral, but it is phosphorus that makes our hair elastic, gives a natural shine, a rich natural color.

A lot of phosphorus can be obtained from seafood, fish, milk, eggs, beans.

Phosphorus for hair

Silicon for hair

With a lack of silicon, the hair becomes thinner, becomes brittle and begins to fall out. Silicon increases the strength and elasticity of collagen by stimulating collagen production, while strong collagen means healthy skin and hair. Adequate amount of silicon helps to make hair thicker and stronger.

Silicon is also called the mineral of youth, because without it, collagen synthesis in the body is impossible.

A lot of silicon is found in cereals, pistachios, shrimps, mussels, crabs and squid.

Silicon for hair

Magnesium for hair

The main feature of magnesium for hair is that magnesium improves hair nutrition (all nutrients penetrate better to the follicles). Magnesium is actively involved in protein synthesis, having a beneficial effect on their structure, making it strong and elastic. This is reflected in the hair by the fact that magnesium prevents thinning and hair loss.

Important! Vitamins B6, E and D improve the metabolism of magnesium in the body, while excess fats, calcium and phosphorus, on the contrary, worsen.

A lot of magnesium is found in all types of nuts, legumes, fish, seafood, dairy products.

Magnesium for hair

The importance of iodine for hair

Lack of iodine leads to brittleness, dryness and hair loss. Studies show that every second inhabitant of the earth has a lack of iodine in the body, which leads to a disruption in the production of thyroid hormones and one of the consequences is a deterioration in the condition of the hair.

Iodine, according to experts, is a key element for maintaining strength and enhancing hair growth. Iodine also has a powerful antiviral and antibacterial effect that helps keep the scalp healthy and well-groomed.

There is a lot of iodine in seaweed, seafood, fish, sea salt, eggs, beans, bananas.

The importance of iodine for hair

Without special examinations, you will not be able to find out which micronutrients your body lacks. Mineral complexes and special vitamins for hair cannot solve this problem, and sometimes they can even be harmful (an excess of some elements can lead to unpleasant consequences). The doctor should prescribe mineral complexes after a certain examination.

Summing up, we can say that a proper balanced diet should be in the first place, then the body will receive all the necessary nutrients, as a result you will have healthy skin, hair and, of course, a figure.

Have you encountered a lack of some micro- and macroelements in the body? And how did this affect your hair?

Published in the section: Hair care Comments 8
Comments 8
  1. Kate

    In my life, I always have low hemoglobin, respectively, the hair is not thick, dry and also split in length.

    • Yuliya

      Be sure to adjust your hemoglobin: balance your diet and add iron supplements, but only after consulting your doctor.

  2. Dasha

    And how to find out what trace elements the body lacks?

    • Yuliya

      Blood test or spectral hair analysis.

      • Irina

        Spectral analysis does not show everything.I separately additionally took a blood test for vitamins, ferritin, TTG.

  3. Inna

    Very useful article !!! Thanks)

  4. Natalia Yu.

    thank you very well in time I read your advice

    • Yuliya

      Happy to help)

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