Summer hair care tips

In summer, the hair is negatively affected by ultraviolet radiation. This can cause them to burn out, brittle, etc. To preserve your hair, follow these simple guidelines for their care.

What shampoo should I wash my hair?

In summer, the scalp sweats and the hair gets dirty much faster, so you need to wash your hair more often. It is important to choose the right shampoo. For owners of oily hair, it is better to choose a remedy with nettle, sage, coltsfoot, vitamins A, C, E and zinc, and for girls and women with dry hair - with jojoba oil, grape seed extract, lavender and calendula. For normal hair, you can choose shampoos made from decoctions of sage and calamus.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, use these tips:

  • to nourish the hair with moisture and make it silky, choose shampoos with olive oil or shea butter, shampoos based on oak bark are also suitable;
  • for moisturizing, you can use products with coconut milk;
  • to restore beauty to hair after hairdressing manipulations, wash them with silk protein shampoos;
  • from dryness, brittleness and exhaustion will help remedies with cedar oil.

Summer hair care tips

Water for shampooing: which is better?

Tap water is often very hard. It is not recommended to wash your hair with it. Better to use boiled water or decoctions of calendula, mint, burdock, birch. It will not be difficult to prepare the broth yourself. To do this, take 500 g of crushed leaves and pour them with hot boiled water, then insist for 30 minutes and dilute to the required volume.

How to care for your hair in the summer: recommendations

  • Going for a swim? Then be sure to wash your hair when you return home. It is worth washing your hair especially thoroughly after swimming in the sea, because salt residues have a very bad effect on the hair structure.
  • When washing your head, lower it as low as possible - this improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair.
  • If you can, give up the hair dryer, and use curling irons and tweezers as little as possible. It will be much better if the hair dries on its own.
  • Trim split ends in time.
  • Use hair masks.

Summer hair care tips

How to make a hair mask?

Hair masks can be done twice a week. For dry, split ends, an egg mask is useful. To prepare it, you need to take 2 yolks and a couple of tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, leave them for an hour, then apply to hair, rinse after 40-60 minutes.

For oily hair, you can prepare a kefir mask. She will need 4 drops of essential citrus oil and a glass of 1% kefir. Let the mask sit for 30 minutes before use, then apply to hair and keep it on for about an hour.

For normal hair, a potato mask is suitable: mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of grated potatoes with kefir or yogurt. Apply the resulting mass to hair for an hour, then rinse with warm water. This mask has a pronounced softening effect.

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