Moisturize and protect hair in winter

Any changes in our environment are almost immediately reflected in our well-being and appearance. A change in weather or season, a sharp change in the climatic zone when flying to another country - all this entails changes in our appearance. The onset of winter in this sense is a severe stress factor for the whole organism and for hair in particular.

How to care for your hair in winter?The difference in temperature outside and indoors leads to the fact that the hair changes - it becomes brittle. Insufficiently humidified air in offices and apartments draws out residual moisture, they become electrified. Constant wearing of a headdress also does not add health to hair - their roots, as a rule, actively secrete sebum in winter, therefore the picture “oily roots - dry ends” is familiar to almost everyone. In winter, the blood vessels also work in a stressful mode, and the hair simply does not receive nutrition due to spasms of the cerebral vessels.

All of these arguments are reason enough to pay special attention to the health of hair in winter, and not to neglect special care for them.

How to care for your hair in winter?

First, with the onset of the cold season, changes should be made to the diet. The amount of sunlight is noticeably reduced, and the body simply does not receive vitamin D. Chicken and quail eggs, legumes, dairy products, butter - all these products contain vitamin D in abundance, and their presence on the table of every woman should be mandatory. It is difficult to get all the necessary trace elements with food in winter, which are also important for the condition of the hair, therefore, it is necessary to take vitamins and mineral supplements every day.

Secondly, in addition to nutrition from the inside, you need to take care of your hair also from the outside. Moisturizing masks, balms, oils and conditioners are in demand in winter more than ever. Dry, electrified hair is very fragile and non-ductile. Therefore, every day in the fall and winter, so much hair remains on the comb. It is important to use both balm and conditioner every time you wash your hair. The ideal solution will also be special formulations for hair - nourishing, moisturizing, smoothing. Many companies that produce hair cosmetics certainly have hair care products marked "winter". At home, excellent hair hydration can be achieved using a self-made mask of kefir or sour milk with avocado seed oil. Both the first and the second masks are extremely simple: a little kefir is rubbed into wet hair, evenly covering the entire surface with kefir or its mixture with oil, then the head is carefully wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes, the mask can be washed off using a permanent shampoo.

Massage is an excellent strengthening agent for hair roots, which increases blood circulation in the scalp and reduces vasospasm. In addition to the cosmetic and therapeutic effect, massage is extremely pleasant, especially if someone else is doing it. You can massage your head with both your fingertips and a massage brush.

It is recommended to comb your hair in different directions at least once a day - this will be enough to achieve an amazing effect. After a week or two, it will be noticeable that the hair has become more lively, manageable and shiny. No wonder that once the only way to care for a scythe, in addition to natural soap, was a long combing of hair at night with a wooden comb or a brush made of natural materials. The main thing is that a comb with metal teeth, which breaks hair and injure the skin, is not used for these purposes.

Choosing a headgear may seem like an unnecessary undertaking. The main thing is to have it. But this is not entirely true. It is better to have a hat made of natural materials: leather, fur, wool, fabric. The headpiece should fit the head, but not squeeze it like a vise - it should be comfortable in the hat.Upon returning to a warm room, the headdress is removed - the head must breathe, because the hat in the room overheats the hair roots, which leads to greasy roots and dried, brittle hair ends.

And finally, if at least at home, in an apartment, the air humidity is constantly maintained at 50-60 percent, the hair will be well-groomed and beautiful even in winter. For these purposes, you can use a household air humidifier.

Winter nourishing hair masks

In winter, there is more time to indulge your hair with homemade hair masks based on natural ingredients ... what could be even better for grooming and nourishing your hair in winter.

homemade hair masks in winter

Nourishing oil mask

  • 2 tablespoons of shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil.

We mix the oils in a glass container and heat them in a water bath, the proportions of the oil can be increased or decreased, depending on the length of the hair. Apply the oils warm to the length of the hair, stepping back 10-15 cm from the roots. We apply the mask before washing the hair, for about 2-3 hours, you can insulate it with plastic wrap or a shower cap, and put on a warm hat on top (it is better that no one is at home), you can also leave the mask overnight. shampoo washings and do not forget about the balm.

Universal mask for all hair types

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon argan oil
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba oil
  • 8 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.

The mask is applied before washing the hair and the proportions of oils can be changed depending on the length of the hair. We mix all the ingredients, heat in a water bath in a glass container, except for the essential oil, add it at the end. In a warm form, apply to the hair, stepping back from the hair roots. We insulate the mask and leave it for at least 2 hours, or better overnight. The mask is washed off with shampoo (2-3 times). The mask is very nutritious and it is enough to do it once every two weeks.

Vitamin hair mask in winter

  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B6;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B5;
  • 2 ampoules of aloe extract;
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • one yolk.

The mask is done before washing the hair, mix all the ingredients and immediately apply to the length of the hair, stepping back from the roots, since vitamins quickly lose their properties after opening. We insulate the mask and keep it for 1-2 hours, and then wash the head as usual.

Hair care in winter differs from that at any other time of the year in its peculiarities. However, if you do not spare the time and effort, the result will be worth it.

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