How to reduce oily hair

Good afternoon, I wanted to devote this article to caring for oily hair. I will share my experience and outline some principles that help maintain hair in good condition every day.

Oily hair careThe cause of increased fat content of hair can be heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress, disruption of the nervous system, medication, improper diet, as well as improperly selected hair care. When sebum production is exceeded, it clogs the pores, scalp and hair roots, leading to dandruff and hair loss.

Oily hair needs special care so that it does not get dirty so quickly, it is necessary to reduce the greasiness of the glands. We do not need to dry out the scalp (the more we dry out the scalp, the more the sebaceous glands begin to work), we need to "dry" it, so to speak, bringing the scalp closer to its normal state. And the points listed below help me cope with this.

Basic principles of oily hair care:

  1. Balance your diet: eat less fatty, smoked, fried foods, and try to eat more vegetables, fruits, and cereals.
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day (in small portions), not juice, tea, compote, but not pure cold water. Firstly, the hair is less greasy, and secondly, it is very good for the length of the hair (the hair is not so dry, it is more nourished and a natural shine appears).
  3. Do not wash your hair with too hot water (further activates the sebaceous glands). The water should be at a comfortable temperature, at the end you can rinse with cool water to smooth the scales.
  4. It is advisable to wash your hair in the first half of the day, since the sebaceous glands are especially active at night.
  5. Choose shampoos without silicones, parabens and other weighting agents (try to alternate several shampoos).
  6. It is better to choose a light shampoo that is intended for frequent use (gentle, neutral) than harsh (alkaline) shampoos for oily hair (see the article on how to choose the right shampoo on this link).
  7. Add a few drops of lemon, orange or mint essential oil to the shampoo to help keep your hair fresh for longer.
  8. Use shampoo for deep cleaning once a week or once every two weeks (to wash everything that has accumulated from the hair: cosmetics, dirt, silicones). After such a shampoo, all masks work much better on the hair.
  9. It is better to lather your hair with shampoo twice, spreading in circular, massage movements (leaving the shampoo on the head - 1-2 minutes).
  10. Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just soap the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo from your head, it will flow through your hair and rinse the length of your hair.
  11. You can rinse your hair with acidified water (2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water or lemon juice).
  12. Rinse hair with herbs (oak bark, nettle, sage - if dark hair, as well as chamomile, calendula, hop cones, burdock).
  13. Do once a week salt peeling of the scalp.
  14. Once every two weeks, make a mask of natural clay , it absorbs and binds excess oil and is great for normal to oily hair.
  15. Do not forget about hair length care (masks, balms, conditioners)
  16. Do not comb wet hair, but slightly damp and special combs. Also, you do not need to comb and touch them often.
  17. Use only clean combs, curlers, iron, stylers. Otherwise, leftover conditioners, modeling products and sebum will leave your hair stale and tired almost immediately after washing. It is advisable to wash the combs once a week with a mild shampoo, and wipe the iron and stylers with alcohol.
  18. When drying with a hair dryer, use thermal protection (cream, spray or oil that prevents the hair from overheating). Also, do not dry your hair with too hot air (the more we dry out the scalp, the more the sebaceous glands begin to work).
  19. Somewhere two or three times a year, strengthen the hair with different serums, sprays, tonics to strengthen the roots and in case of hair loss.
  20. Drink vitamins with courses (I especially like for oily hair - Omega-3, they best regulate the oily scalp)

And another age-old dilemma, how often should you wash your hair? Hair should be washed as needed. If there is a need to wash your hair every day, then wash it every day (but not with aggressive shampoos), if every other day, then every other day ... And yet, if the hair falls out, then the grease and dirt that accumulate on the hair makes them even more heavier and they, already weakened, begin to fall out even more intensively.

The best way to fight oily hair is to wash your hair.

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