The best pharmacy vitamins for hair growth

Hair is the main decoration of a woman, which is always with her and it is very important that they are always in proper condition.

Lack of vitamins, micro - and macronutrients always affects the functioning of the body, the first signs appear in appearance, this is a deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

If you want your hair to grow faster, be healthy and strong, you need to work in three areas:

  1. To nourish the hair from the inside (proper nutrition, intake of vitamin complexes and certain types of vitamins, microelements, depending on the needs of the body).
  2. Take good care of the length of your hair (choose a quality care that suits your hair type, use a mask or hair balm every time after washing, protect your hair, use thermal protection and leave-in products).
  3. Connect external products to stimulate hair growth (home masks, serums, hair growth tonics, preparations).

And the most important thing is to do all this regularly and systematically!

Today we will talk about the first point - hair nutrition from the inside, or rather about vitamins that promote hair growth.

The best vitamins for hair growth

Why is it necessary to include vitamins for hair growth?

I will say right away that you will not achieve the desired result with only external means and preparations, no matter how expensive they would be. After all, the strength and growth of hair depends on the internal health of the body and on our nutrition, because nutrients come to the hair with the blood.

The vitamin intake regimen is different, depending on the needs and goals, so be sure! consult your doctor before taking any vitamins !!!

Biotin for fast hair growth

Biotin (vitamin B7 or H) is a water-soluble vitamin (which means that it does not accumulate in our body) of the B group, it helps our body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose) and also helps the absorption of fats and proteins.

Biotin for hair growthKeratin production is impossible without a normal amount of biotin in the body, and keratin is the main component of hair, it is he who gives hair strength, elasticity and protects against external damage. Besides hair, biotin is good for the condition of the skin and nails.

For hair to grow normally, it requires an energy supply, which is produced by a large amount of glucose. It is the carbohydrates obtained from food that are processed into glucose. In this process, hair biotin plays a very important role in maintaining normal blood glucose levels and promoting hair growth.

If there is not enough biotin in the body, this can lead to a deterioration in the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, respectively, the hair begins to grow more slowly.

The article Why is biotin important for hair, you can read in more detail about this vitamin and its features.

Pantothenic acid (B5) for hair strengthening and growth

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is involved in lipid metabolism, in the formation and renewal of cells, its deficiency directly affects hair loss, growth retardation, depletion and deterioration of the hair structure.

Pantothenic acid (B5) for hair strengthening and growthVitamin B5 is added to serums, tonics for hair growth and strengthening of the most expensive hair care brands.

If pantothenic acid is present in the body in sufficient quantities, then all metabolic processes work harmoniously and this is immediately displayed on the hair, they gain strength, strengthen, the elasticity of the hair increases, they become less dry, brittle and brittle. For more information about the importance of vitamin B5 for hair and for the whole body, you can read in this article.

Vitamin B5 is the main vitamin for intense hair loss!

Folic acid (B9) to accelerate hair growth

Folic acid is involved in the formation of new healthy cells and therefore it promotes hair growth, as well as strengthens them well and improves the general condition of the hair.It is not for nothing that folic acid is also called the vitamin of beauty.

Folic acid (B9) to accelerate hair growthFolic acid is truly a female vitamin, because it is important for a woman's reproductive system, therefore, vitamin B9 should always be present in the diet.

Lack of this vitamin is not accompanied by obvious symptoms, although it is the lack of vitamin B9 that is one of the most common hypovitaminosis.

Vitamin A and E for hair health

If you want to have healthy hair, then it will be impossible to achieve this without vitamins A and E, these are vitamins of youth and beauty of the whole body. Vitamin A and E for hair:

  • protect hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • relieve inflammation and itching of the scalp;
  • restore the structure of weakened and damaged hair;
  • provide hair with natural shine, silkiness and strength;
  • help with hair loss.

Vitamin A and E for hair health

Vitamins A and E should be taken with caution and only after consulting a doctor, since an excess of these vitamins is very toxic to the body.

Vitamin A and E for hair health

Published in the section: Vitamins for hair comment 2
comment 2
  1. Alina

    Now I just finished taking Pantogar, very good vitamins. The hair has become more shiny, has grown noticeably. I will not say exactly how much, I did not measure it, but it is clear that the industry is good.

    • Yuliya

      Thanks for sharing)

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