What vitamins and minerals deficiency causes hair loss

One of the reasons for hair loss - along with hormonal changes, infectious diseases, poor ecology, stressful situations - is the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Let's talk in more detail about vitamins and minerals that contribute to the proper functioning of hair follicles, high-quality blood circulation in the scalp, shine and intense hair growth, and the consequences of "vitamin-mineral" deficiency.

Among the most important elements affecting hair health are vitamins A, E, almost the entire group of B vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, selenium and others.

Hair loss in women

The body can "deprive" the hair of vitamins and minerals, directing them to more important organs.

Hair loss from lack of vitamins

The hair suffers most acutely from a lack of B vitamins. It is they who are responsible for the correct metabolism, pigmentation and the process of hair growth.

Thiamine (B1) provides the process of metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the body and participates in the flow of oxygen to the follicles. The main source of vitamin: legumes, cereals, nuts, pork, liver.

Riboflavin (B2) also aids in the proper course of metabolism. This vitamin is involved in redox reactions, in the blood supply to the follicles. Sources: animal liver and kidneys, eggs, bread, dairy products, beer.

a lack of nicotinic acid (vit. PP or B3) leads to disruption of oxidative processes in the body, loss of pigmentation (the appearance of early gray hair), fragility and loss. The use of this vitamin is most effective for hair loss. Sources: salmon, cereals.

Pantothenic acid (B5) affects the supply of oxygen to hair follicles, their growth, strength and development. Sources of vitamin: liver, kidneys, caviar, cereals, yolk, tomatoes, cauliflower.

Flaw pyridoxine (vit. B6) leads to disturbances in the transformation of amino acids. As a result: dry skin, dandruff, hair loss. Main source: liver, meat products, cereals, nuts, cabbage, eggs, milk.

Inositol (vitamin B8) promotes the active assimilation of other vitamins of its group and vitamin E. Sources: offal, cheese, eggs, herbs, berries, melon, etc.

Folic acid (B9) has a positive effect on cell division throughout the body and promotes hair growth. Source: fresh herbs (spinach, parsley, onions), cottage cheese, milk, eggs, fish.

Para-aminobenzoic acid (B10 or H1) helps with proper nutrition of the scalp and its tone, provides natural hair pigmentation. Sources of vitamin: liver, rice, egg yolk, brewer's yeast, nuts, wheat germ.

Lack of cobalamin (vitamin B12involved in cell division and renewal) leads to focal hair loss. The main sources of cobalamin: wheat germ, cereals.

Other vitamins that prevent hair loss:

  • vit. And it helps the hair to remain elastic and strong along its entire length;
  • vit. E is responsible for blood circulation in the scalp, hair pigmentation, regulates the state of the immune system;
  • vit. C helps the absorption of iron, stimulates hair growth, and also protects hair follicles from destruction.

Important sources vitamin A - butter, eggs (yolk), fresh carrots, cod liver, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, apricots (fresh and dried apricots). Products with vit. And it is recommended to eat with vegetable oil so that the vitamin is properly assimilated in the body.

Among the sources vitamin E: nuts and seeds, vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linseed), oily sea fish, spinach.

Vitamin C found in rose hips, cabbage (fresh and sauerkraut), bell peppers, citrus and berry crops, garlic, kiwi.

Trace minerals for hair problems

Lack of microelements in the body can also cause hair loss. Some of these elements are responsible for blood circulation, some - help vitamins and other microelements to be absorbed in the right "places" and proportions.

Iron - an essential mineral for hair health. Its deficiency leads to a slowdown in body processes and a deterioration in oxygen metabolism. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of split ends, brittle hair and baldness in women. Sources of iron: beef, liver, beets, spinach, raisins, prunes.

Lack of iron, today is the most common cause of hair loss in girls of childbearing age, which even leads to partial baldness.

If you already have anemia, then you cannot fill the iron deficiency with food alone; you can only maintain the daily rate. Therefore, the main means of combating iron deficiency are drugs. In no case do not prescribe medication for yourself, first take a blood test and consult a doctor (for example, a therapist). Of all the iron that we take, only about 8% is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. Even if you replenish the iron stores in the body, this will be reflected in the hair only after a while, it may take another month for the hair to return to normal.

Vitamin C and B vitamins contribute to better absorption of iron.

Flaw zinc, a mineral responsible for the regulation of male sex hormones, also negatively affects the health and integrity of hair. It is the insufficient concentration of Zn in the body that leads to dandruff. Zinc deficiency directly leads to hair loss (alopecia). In this case, zinc plays an important role in the regulation of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and normal hair growth. Zinc preparations are prescribed for the treatment of intense hair loss, seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, premature graying of hair. Sources of zinc: eggs, cereals (rolled oats, buckwheat), nuts, legumes, seafood (shrimp and shellfish), meat.

Our hair also contains zinc, which aids in the absorption of the proteins that make up our hair.

Intake of the body silicon and sulfurparticipating in the formation of collagen - the "building material" for hair, is also important for their health. The main sources of sulfur are asparagus, seeds, onions, protein foods, egg yolk; silicon - cereals, wholemeal bread, chicken meat.

Flaw calcium also causes disastrous consequences for your hair. Replenishment of this mineral is necessary in combination with Vit. A and D. Main sources of calcium: dairy products, sesame seeds, spinach.

Selenium participates in the "transportation" of materials necessary for hair growth. The lack of a trace element has a bad effect on the hairline. The most important source of selenium is mushrooms.

Another element, with a lack of which hair falls out, is iodine... Sources of the element: iodized salt (but no heat treatment), seafood.

Flaw magnesium leads to intense hair loss, dryness and brittleness. Sources of the element: vegetables, legumes, cereals, cereals, fish, dairy products.

What vitamins and minerals deficiency causes hair loss

If you care about the health of your hair and want to pleasantly surprise those around you with the shine of your hair and the softness of color, and not with lifeless clumps on the comb, be sure to focus on your diet. From the products listed above, you can always prepare delicious food that is useful for the whole body and for hair, in particular. And to make it easier for you, we have compiled menu for the weekEach serving of which contains the most essential hair products.

If complex nutrition is impossible for any reason, you should pay attention to vitamin preparations: their range is huge, you can always choose a preparation according to your needs and available budget.

Published in the section: Vitamins for hair comment 2
comment 2
  1. Marina

    Onion shampoo with red pepper extract 911 helped me from hair loss. Soaps for a month. Pepper activates dormant bulbs. Onions nourish and strengthen hair from root to tip. Hair loss stops. brittleness and hair loss are gone.

  2. Hilda

    This is all nonsense, don't talk nonsense. None of which it will help your onion ..

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