Useful supplements (vitamins and minerals) for skin and hair

Our hair, as well as the body as a whole, needs vitamins and minerals. It's no secret that the balance of vitamins and microelements in the body significantly affects the condition of the hair. Therefore, we propose to talk about them in more detail.

It is impossible to name any one vitamin that it is the most important for hair or skin, but there are vitamins, without which we will not have healthy, beautiful hair, smooth, radiant skin. And of course, it is ideal to get these vitamins from food, but this is not always possible.

Omega-3 for skin and hair

Omega-3 for hair

Omega-3 improves the quality of skin, hair and is essential for the whole body. Omega-3 has a tonic, antioxidant, hypolipidemic, membrane stabilizing, antiaggregatory, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory and immunocorrecting effect.

It is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory agent for hair loss, to reduce oily skin, in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. Omega-3 is great for dry and irritated skin.

One of the few supplements recommended on an ongoing basis, especially if you don't have fish in your diet, at least three to four times a week. Considering that in our country there are problems with quality fish, it makes sense to take Omega-3 preparations.

A source: fatty fish, flaxseed oil, olive, avocado, walnuts.

Vitamin D for hair

Vitamin D for hair

Vitamin D (or rather a hormone) plays one of the most important roles in the body. He is responsible for the condition of the hair, the cleanliness and elasticity of the skin, the density and health of the nail plates. Vitamin D prevents hair loss and breakage, it has a disinfectant effect, which has a beneficial effect on the scalp. This vitamin is able to fight dandruff, and it also nourishes and moisturizes the hair pores. Deficiency of vitamin D causes hair loss, worsens the course of skin diseases.

It has been proven that more than 200 diseases are associated with vitamin D, or rather with its deficiency.

We will age faster with a deficiency of vitamin D.

A source: sunlight, some types of fish.

Essential Vitamin C

Essential Vitamin C

Vitamin C improves blood circulation in hair loss. It is necessary for the proper nutrition of the hair follicles; vitamin C also participates in the formation of collagen, that is, it affects the improvement of the skin structure. Together with vitamin A, it works well for dry and brittle hair.

In order for vitamin C to be better absorbed, it is better to take it after meals.

A source: citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes.

Vitamin A for skin and hair

Vitamin A for skin and hair

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals. Deficiency of the vitamin causes dry skin, hair, dandruff, early skin aging with the formation of wrinkles.

Vitamin A is involved in the production of building proteins that make up our hair and other tissues. It also stimulates the active synthesis of collagen and elastin, protects hair from the negative effects of adverse environmental factors.

A source: butter, milk, cheese, liver.

Vitamin E for hair and skin

Vitamin E for hair and skin

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is prescribed for the treatment of dry skin, hyperkeratosis, atopic dermatitis, and burns. Vitamin E slows down the aging process of the skin and reduces the risk of skin cancer from UV radiation.

Vitamin E helps fight hair loss, promotes hair growth and restoration. Vitamin helps to cope with scalp problems, especially dandruff and dryness.

In combination with vitamin C, vitamin E supplements the nutrition of the scalp and hair follicles, protecting and strengthening the hair.

A source: avocados, nuts, spinach, sea fish, vegetable oils, legumes, eggs.

Biotin - beauty vitamin

Biotin - beauty vitamin

Biotin reduces hair loss, accelerates the growth of new hair, and in general has a very positive effect on the condition and structure of the hair.

Biotin it is prescribed for dry scalp and high fat content, it is not for nothing that it is called the "beauty vitamin". Biotin is indispensable for hair loss, brittleness, dryness, early gray hair.

Biotin makes it possible to restore the elasticity of hair, give it beauty and shine, get rid of dandruff and split ends and significantly accelerate hair growth.

A source: yeast, spinach, tomatoes, egg yolk, mushrooms.

Copper for hair

Copper for hair

The importance of copper for the human body has been known since ancient times. Copper prevents the penetration of free radicals that damage the cells of the body.

Copper fights gray hair and gives our hair a natural color. Protects hair from aging.

If there is not enough copper in the body, then the hair becomes discolored, the structure changes, which leads to their weakening. Lack of copper causes hair loss, breakage and dryness. In addition, copper affects the proper absorption of iron, a lack of which can lead to baldness.

A source: nuts, chocolate, mushrooms, liver, dried fruits.

Calcium for hair health

Calcium for hair health

Calcium is involved in almost all physiological processes in the body. Despite the fact that up to 98% of calcium is in bones, Ca2 + ions play a key role in the regulation of integumentary tissues - hair, skin, nails. This element is one of the main components of hair, so its deficiency immediately affects their condition.

Calcium reduces skin inflammation, hair loss, brittle nails.

Calcium is a rather capricious mineral, and its absorption depends on other vitamins. Vitamins A and D contribute to the absorption of calcium.

A source: milk and dairy products, nuts, eggs, green vegetables.

Zinc for hair

Zinc is an essential trace mineral for skin and hair. Zinc plays an important role in the regulation of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and normal hair growth.

The deficiency causes eczema-like skin problems, hair loss on both the head and body, and exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis. There is much more zinc in hair than, for example, in blood or kidneys.

The presence of a large amount of iron in food reduces the absorption of zinc by about 2 times.

Salt and sugar interfere with the absorption of zinc.

A source: meat, nuts, legumes, cereals, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, honey, bran,

It is very important for our health to maintain the vitamin and mineral balance of the body.

Published in the section: Vitamins for hair comment 3
comment 3
  1. Kate

    Korisna stattya, dyakuyu)

    • Yuliya


  2. Anonymous

    Thank you, very interesting article

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