Foods that are essential for hair growth and health

We talk so much about how important it is to eat right for the health and beauty of hair, what is this proper nutrition, what specific foods do we need to eat so that we can boast of gorgeous hair even in old age? This is what we will talk about today, where to start if we want to have beautiful, healthy and thick hair.

Our health begins from the inside, so proper nutrition is the key to our health, beauty and longevity.

10 products for hair health

1 More fresh vegetables and herbs. Vegetables play one of the main roles in human nutrition. Each vegetable has its own unique composition of nutrients that are needed for the normal functioning of the entire body, including hair. Hair is very much in need of substances that are contained in vegetables, they are rich in vitamins, especially groups B, C, A, K and micro and macro elements. Choose the most common seasonal vegetables that are familiar to us. Include in your diet beets, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, carrots... For example, red bell pepper is considered the leader in vitamin C content. Remember that carrots need to be seasoned with oil (sunflower, olive) so that they are absorbed and benefit our body. Include greens in your diet: spinach, parsley, green onions, lettuce, dill.

Vegetables for healthy hair 2 Such healthy bran. We all know that the healthiest bread is wholegrain, but if you don't eat bread, replace it with bran. Bran contains about 80% fiber, which prevents contamination of the body with harmful substances, removes toxins and is necessary for proper, healthy digestion. I think everyone knows that good bowel function is the basis for the health and beauty of the whole body. Also in the bran there is almost the entire composition of the B vitamins, which, in a number of the first, are on guard for hair health.

With severe hair loss, the trichologist prescribed me to eat wheat bran, twice a day, one teaspoon and drink plenty of water. They are useful for the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the intestines, promote better absorption of nutrients, which is very important, because then all these nutrients along with the blood enter the hair.

Bran for hair diet 3 Protein, protein and more protein. Since school, we know that protein is a building material for our body, and of course for hair. Animal protein is better absorbed than vegetable protein, therefore meat must be present in our diet if we want to have a chic head of hair.

I remember when I was still in school (grades two, three), my mother and I were in the hospital, and the doctor told my mother that I should eat 50 grams of meat in any form every day, I remember with horror I thought that 50 grams is a large plate of meat, also with top and all this I will need to eat, and even every day, I really did not like meat, and accordingly I resisted it as best I could. Although in vain, because they wanted the best, because in my life I have low hemoglobin, and the level of iron is one of the main causes of hair loss in women, we constantly lack it (menstruation, childbirth).

The hair needs protein for the growth and strengthening of hair follicles, if it is not enough, the hair becomes weak, brittle, and its natural shine is lost.

Protein for healthy hair 4 Nobody canceled the fish day. Introduce the tradition of a fish day in your family (European nutritionists recommend eating fish at least 4 times a week), because fish contains protein, fatty acids, iodine, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, vitamins A, E, D, B12 ... Omega-3 fatty acids are present in sea fish, which are essential for the health of the scalp (regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands), and also gives a healthy look to the skin and hair. Do not forget about other seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels, octopus), which are no less useful.

Useful fish for hair 5 Nuts every day. Back in ancient Rome, women ate 5 almonds every day to preserve their beauty. It is not for nothing that today nuts are called the elixir of beauty. Nuts nourish and strengthen our hair from the inside out. Many nuts (almonds, cashews) contain large amounts of zinc, the lack of which in the body leads to hair loss.

It doesn't matter what kind of nuts you eat: walnuts, Brazilian, almonds, cashews or some others, the main thing is to eat them regularly. Nuts have a whole storehouse of useful substances for our hair, which can be listed for a very long time, I will say the main thing - do not neglect them and include them in your daily diet.

Recipe from a trichologist: homemade vitamins for hair based on nuts.

Nuts for hair health 6 Dairy products. Nutritionists say that dairy products are necessary for a person every day, they contain the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro and macro elements, amino acids we need. All types of dairy products (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, various cheeses, kefir, yogurt) are good for our body, especially if they are natural. 

Dairy products are primarily a source of calcium for the body and hair, as well, and calcium is necessary for strengthening and growing hair, it is necessary for the structure of hair, restores strength to weakened and damaged hair.

Dairy products for hair health 7 Healthy vegetable oils. Scientists have proven that for youth and brain activity, you need to consume two tablespoons of vegetable oil every day. First of all, it is olive, sunflower, linseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame, mustard, corn, peanut, it is better to choose non-refined oils, cold pressed and of course it is better not to heat them, because when heated, most of the beneficial properties of the oil are immediately lost ... Each oil has its own unique, rich composition, all vegetable oils prevent diseases, rejuvenate and heal our body.

Sunflower oil is the most popular, which can be found in the kitchen of any housewife, it has a high taste, and the nutrients of the oil are well absorbed by the body. Olive oil is considered the most useful vegetable oil, it is also called "liquid gold", it improves digestion, normalizes blood pressure, improves the condition of the skin and hair. Flaxseed oil contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than sea fish, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp. Sesame oil is a valuable food product that is widely used in Ayurveda. I recently discovered pumpkin seed oil for myself, it has a wagon and a small cart of nutrients for the skin and hair, I fill salads with it and still make hair masks with this oil.

All these oils are responsible for the perfect condition of the hair.

Hair Health Oil 8 Fruit - every day.Fruits are something that everyone loves and they do not need "advertising", in addition, it is a richest source of natural vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that our body needs so much at any time of the year.

The British are of the opinion that if you eat two apples every day, you can protect your body from disease. Apples have also been shown to contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver. Grapes have been famous since the days of Ancient Rome and Greece, with its help metabolism was treated and the body's strength restored. Pomegranate, which improves blood circulation, metabolism, protects against cancer and preserves our youth. We can talk about each fruit for a very long time, but there will be more benefits if we eat them.

Each fruit is useful in its own way, and each fruit is equally beneficial for the health and strength of the hair.

What fruits are needed for healthy hair 9 Her majesty is the liver... The liver has everything you need for healthy hair: vitamins, micro and macro elements, so it is very important to eat liver dishes at least twice a week. You don't have to cook foie gru, you can just stew the liver with onions and do not forget to drink it with orange or tomato juice, or eat an orange, because iron is absorbed together with vitamin C.

Benefits of the liver for hair 10 Various cereals. Cereals are the most important sources of complex carbohydrates and B vitamins, rich in minerals and dietary fiber, which are so necessary for hair

Buckwheat is considered the queen of cereals, due to its composition: iron, vitamins B2, PP, C, amino acids, magnesium. Oatmeal contains B vitamins, biotin, selenium, fiber, millet contains - copper, manganese, zinc. Very useful corn grits, which contain silicon, iron, sodium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, vitamin PP and carotene. Pearl barley contains calcium, magnesium, lysine and other useful substances.

Cereals for hair healthOnly with a nutritious diet can you get all the nutrients that are necessary for healthy hair. The main thing now is to balance these foods in your daily diet.

Published in the section: Vitamins for hair / Comments: 1
Comments: 1
  1. zaykal

    Otherwise, you can get a completely different effect that you expect - for example, hair will begin to fall out even more due to an unbalanced composition or incompatibility of the components of the drug.

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