Selenium for hair. Instructions for use and reviews

Selenium is an important trace element that is needed for the normal functioning of the body. It is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-aging and protective properties. Selenium is found in all tissues of the body, except for adipose tissue.

Scientists from the United States have conducted research and confirmed that selenium has anti-cancer properties. An experiment was conducted, as a result of which the researchers concluded that cancer deaths in people who took selenium decreased by 49% compared with those who did not take drugs containing this element.

For many years, selenium was considered a poison, scientists say that it is indeed a poison if taken in large doses. And in acceptable doses, it normalizes the functions of all organs and systems, maintaining the health and beauty of our body.

Selenium for hair

What is selenium for the body?

Selenium is a trace mineral that generally has a positive effect on human beauty. Selenium has a complex effect on the entire body:

  • Contributes to the neutralization and removal from the body of harmful and foreign substances, heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium).
  • Helps neutralize free radicals.
  • Improves thyroid function.
  • Normalizes cholesterol metabolism.
  • Participates in the metabolic processes of the bone, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • It has a general positive effect on the condition of the hair, restores strength and shine to the hair, and also helps to cope with hair loss and dandruff.

Symptoms of chronic selenium deficiency are manifested in the form of impaired hair and nail growth, dermatological diseases, diabetes mellitus, a sharp decrease in working capacity, frequent infectious diseases, and a decrease in the body's immune defenses.

How does selenium affect hair condition?

If the body lacks selenium, hair looks dry, dull and may fall out. Selenium is directly involved in the process of hair growth, so if hair does not grow well, it is worth considering whether your body is getting enough of such an important element as selenium.

Selenium restores normal cell division, which is very important in hair loss, so if you are struggling with hair loss, consult your doctor if you need an additional source of the trace mineral selenium. Selenium is by no means a panacea for hair loss, because it is a very difficult disease to find cause of hair loss, you need to find an experienced doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the body.

Selenium-rich foods

Selenium is found in both animal and plant foods.

  • liver, kidneys
  • seafood, seaweed
  • eggs, dairy products
  • corn
  • rice, barley grits, lentils
  • onion garlic
  • White mushrooms
  • cereals, grain, oatmeal, buckwheat
  • pistachios, cashews, brazil nuts
  • legumes (peas, beans).

Unfortunately, the amount of selenium in these products is very rarely enough to fully provide the body with this important element, even if these products are eaten in large quantities every day.

Selenium Active, instructions and rules of admission

Unfortunately, we do not always get this important element with food, so sometimes it is worth taking special preparations that contain selenium.

Daily intake of selenium  20-100 mcg. In some cases, doctors recommend using 200 mcg of this substance per day to protect against free radicals.

Remember! Do not abuse selenium, if its dose is exceeded, intoxication may occur, so strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and instructions.

Selenium preparations have the ability to accumulate in the body and maintain the required level of selenium for a long time.

Selenium for hairSelenium Active contains organically bound selenium in the composition of yeast autolysate (selexene) in a strictly metered concentration. This autolysate lacks the typical yeast allergenic properties.
Selenium in organic form (selexene), which is part of this complex, is completely absorbed by the body and is absolutely safe.

Depending on the body's needs, Selenium-active works either as a source of selenium or as an independent antioxidant. If there is a lack of selenium in the body, then selenium begins to be released from biomolecules, activating antioxidant enzymes in the body. When there is no shortage of selenium, the biomolecules in the Selenium asset act independently.

Selenium preparation instructions

Selene application is necessary:

  1. As an aid for the prevention of oncology, as well as during and after the course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
  2. In diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis to normalize cholesterol metabolism and improve the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  3. After myocardial infarction, to accelerate the recovery of the work of the heart muscles;
  4. With diseases of the joints; osteochondrosis, trauma, bone fractures, after surgery;
  5. To prevent the accumulation of heavy metals and associated liver damage; with cholecystitis and hepatitis to improve work and normalize bile formation;
  6. For diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis;
  7. With bronchial asthma, allergies;
  8. For hair restoration and dandruff treatment;
  9. With male infertility, especially with oligospermia.

SeleniumSelenium Active is recommended for adults and children over 12 years old:

  • to maintain immunity, 1 tablet / capsule per day with meals (50 mcg of selenium);
  • to prevent the onset of oncology, in case of poisoning with heavy metals, inflammation, viral infections, weakened immunity (herpes), cardiovascular and allergic diseases, as well as diseases of the joints, 2 tablets / capsules 2 times a day (200 mcg selenium) during meals ; the safety of using selenium up to 400 mcg per day has been proven, but the need for such a dose should be determined by a doctor.

It is recommended to take in courses of 40 tablets / capsules 2 times a year.

Published in the section: Vitamins for hair / Comments: 1
Comments: 1
  1. Tanya

    Every winter I take selenium, it helps to raise the immune system and not get sick so often.

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