How to deal with oily seborrhea that causes hair loss?

Today, seborrhea is a fairly common scalp disease, which subsequently causes intense hair loss. Seborrhea can be both oily and dry, and the mixed type is also distinguished. Today we will talk specifically about oily seborrhea, the reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment.

What is seborrhea? This is a scalp disease caused by increased sebum secretion, dandruff and increased hair loss.

80-90% of hairs are in the growth stage, and 10-15% are in the resting stage and only 1-2% of the hairs complete their life cycle.

Symptoms of oily scalp seborrhea:

  • the symptom that manifests itself first is the increased oiliness of the scalp, and even daily washing does not help to correct this;
  • hair looks dull and lacks natural shine;
  • the scalp may itch and flake;
  • intense dandruff;
  • increased hair loss.

Reasons for the development of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Most often, seborrhea can appear during puberty, when the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, you should not worry too much here, since seborrhea usually goes away after puberty.

If the cause of seborrhea is not puberty, then you must definitely pay attention to the hormonal background. Indeed, most often the cause of the appearance of oily seborrhea in women is hormonal disorders, the level of androgens may increase and the level of progesterone and estrogen may decrease.

Diseases of the nervous system can also be the cause of the development of seborrhea.

Oily seborrhea can also be caused by a deficiency in one of the B vitamins, biotin.

Another common cause of the development of seborrhea is problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular with digestion. A large amount of the use of fatty, spicy, salty foods, sweets and flour.

From concomitant reasons, there may also be long-term use of testosterone, progesterone, anabolic steroids, glucocorticosteroids.

But, before you start treating seborrhea, you need to diagnose it. To do this, you need to see a doctor (trichologist or dermatologist), which first of all examines the scalp and hair and begins to identify risk factors for the development of seborrhea, first you need to take a biochemical blood test. Consultation is obligatory endocrinologist, to which it is already better to immediately come with the results of an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and if necessary, he can send you to take a blood test for hormones. The next doctor to turn to is gastroenterologist, you can come to him with the results of an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and take with you a biochemical blood test (which you definitely need to do). And if there is such a need (a dermatologist will tell you about this), then also a consultation neurologist.

Treatment of oily scalp seborrhea

Treatment of oily seborrhea is directly related to the treatment of abnormalities in the body that provoke it (hormones, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system), and this treatment must be prescribed by the appropriate specialist, and in no case do not self-medicate.

The dermatologist gives general recommendations and local treatment, which consists of:

1. Balance your diet. There are more fruits, vegetables, fiber and dairy products. Turn off spicy, fatty, canned, flour and sweet foods from the diet, minimize salt intake.

2. Drug treatment. In addition to treating organs (disturbed systems in the body) that provoked the appearance of seborrhea, antifungal drugs should also be used. Also, fortifying vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed, which contain vitamins of group B, vitamin C, A, E, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper.Zinc preparations (Zincit, Zincteral, Ascocin) and biotin preparations (Medobiotin, Volvit) help well with seborrhea.

3. External means. Find a good, sebum-regulating medicated shampoo, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe additional special lotions, tonics and ointments for the scalp.

Oily seborrhea: causes of development and treatmentWith traditional methods of treating oily seborrhea, you also need to be very careful. Many sites recommend rubbing oils into the scalp, which is just a contraindication for oily seborrhea, since oils clog the pores on the scalp even more, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more intensely, the skin cannot breathe and all this leads to hair loss and even more aggravating the situation.

Published in the section: Hair loss comment 3
comment 3
  1. Katerina

    Everything is described in great detail, thank you very much for your recommendations.

  2. Lyuba

    I like this recipe. Take 1 tsp. chopped calendula flowers, burdock root, hop cones, pour 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Rub it into the skin 3 times a week, and wash your hair with Sebopirox 911 shampoo. This shampoo is sold in a pharmacy, it suits all hair types, and is not expensive. They need to wash several times a week for 3-4 weeks.

    • Yuliya

      Thanks for sharing your recipe))

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