Causes of Intense Hair Loss in Women

Every woman at one time or another in her life is faced with hair loss. There are times when hair falls out more than usual, which is normal, especially during the off-season. Hair loss is a natural process. Well, and if not too many, 50 to 100 hairs per day are considered the norm (if about 100 hairs fall out a day, after a few years, you can remain bald pah-pah).

Often this is a lack of vitamins, minerals, trace elements. But hair loss can have other causes as well. Before starting the fight against hair loss, it is worth find out the reason for their loss.

If everything seems to be fine with you, nothing bothers you, but the hair is falling out intensively, you need to pay attention to the internal processes in the body:

They say: "Hair loss is an indicator of the internal diseases of our body."

What to do if hair falls out intensively?

1 Endocrinologist consultation. Hair beauty and growth depends on the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Problems with the thyroid gland are possible (increased), hormonal levels are changed. When the thyroid gland produces few hormones, the hair gradually depletes, becomes dull and begins to fall out, not only on the head, but also throughout the body. When the thyroid gland produces a lot of hormones, hair falls out evenly all over the head, it also becomes stiff and breaks easily.

Recommendation: come with the results of an ultrasound of the thyroid gland (because the first place they send is to do an ultrasound. And only then, if there is a reason, the doctor will send you a blood test for hormones.

2 Gynecologist's consultation. Perhaps some kind of change in the menstrual cycle (heavy periods, which was not there before, the cycle itself is broken). Get tested for hormones that can cause hair loss, if there is a suspicion of a change in hormonal levels. Do an ultrasound scan (I have already come to my doctor with the results of an ultrasound scan, which saved me a lot of time, and we discussed hormone tests on the phone with her). We already know that an examination by a gynecologist is once every six months, a guarantee of our women's health.

3 Consultation with a gastroenterologist. It is possible to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, tests for worms, Helicobacter pylori, gastrointestinal dysbiosis (gastrointestinal tract) and other tests, if the doctor has a reason. Here, almost all problems with the gastrointestinal tract can subsequently cause hair loss. And dysbiosis in which vitamins, minerals and trace elements, whether in food or in tablets, are not absorbed by the body, and if the acidity of the stomach is the same, everything goes to the abyss ... And if the worms, they also take useful substances for themselves, leaving us almost nothing. With our today's diet, the rhythm of life, almost every person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

After the operation, I started a vicious circle. After the operation, the diet was too strict, at first for three days I “ate” only glucose for three days, naturally, the body did not receive any nutrients, vitamins, microelements, the digestive tract was disturbed (which I learned later). And exactly three months later, intense hair loss began. Many blood counts were below normal. Naturally, I began to take different vitamins in combination and separately (totem, omega-3, neurobeks, apilak), drank all this, for about three months (depending on which drugs), and there was nothing, no changes, except for thinning my hair! Then I went to a gastroenterologist, it turned out that after the operation and a strict diet, my gastrointestinal tract was disturbed, and all these pills, vitamins were not absorbed by me (a very small part), even from food, which struck me very much. This means that at first I adjusted the gastrointestinal tract to the robot (for about a month with the help of a gastroenterologist), and then, with the help of a trichologist, continued the treatment of hair loss.

4 Neurologist's consultation. Oftentimes, poor circulation to the scalp can be the cause of hair loss. Hair is at a certain depth in the scalp and needs continuous nourishment. If the regulation of the tone of the vessels of the head and neck, which nourish our hair follicles, is disturbed, then this leads to the fact that all vital vitamins, minerals, trace elements for the health and growth of hair are not supplied to the hair. And the hair starts to fall out. Maybe you just need a good massage.

And of course stress, they say that stress is the main cause of hair loss today. When we experience severe stress, the “involuntary muscle” spasms (the muscle connects the follicle to the scalp), which, as it were, compresses the hair follicle and then the hair root is damaged and the hair begins to fall out. Moreover, the “squeezed follicle” becomes thin, emaciated and cannot produce healthy, strong hair, as a result, the hair grows weak, thin, dull, breaks heavily and it is impossible to grow long.

And after all these doctors, having collected all the tests, ultrasound, certificates can be sent to trichologist.

You can first go to a trichologist, but in most cases a trichologist recommends being examined by the above doctors if there are no obvious signs of hair loss.

5 Trichologist's consultation. At the consultation, the trichologist will first of all listen to the life history of your hair, whether there were any prerequisites for intense hair loss: heredity, surgery, hormonal changes, stress ... computer diagnostics of hair - trichogram (examined scalp, hair roots, hair shafts, how many hairs are in the telogen stage, and how many are in the anagen stage, density and much more, while you can visually observe the specialist's research on the monitor screen).

hair growth phases

hair loss intensively

And then another story begins ...

Hair is the weakest point of our body and it responds to all ailments.

Patience in your fight for healthy and beautiful hair!

Published in the section: Hair loss Comments 6
Comments 6
  1. Galya

    She was treated for severe hair loss and there were several foci of baldness. The Chronomedicine Resonance Clinic carried out a complete diagnosis of the body. After that, the pharmaceutical herbal tinctures were tested, which once again confirms the individual approach to the prescription of treatment. An individual treatment program was issued for a month. She was treated for 1 year and 3 months. Every month, an examination was carried out and a new treatment program was prescribed. I am pleased with the result. The centers are overgrown and the hair has recovered. The treatment is affordable.

    • Yuliya

      Another confirmation that the treatment of hair loss should be approached comprehensively ...

    • Masha

      And de there is a tsya klinika?

  2. Galya

    in Kiev, Heroes of Defense, 3

    • Oksana

      How much does the licensing cost?

  3. Lina

    I have been taking Mertz for three years (if not more), with interruptions, about 1 time in half a year. I am very pleased with the result, the hair shines, although it falls out, but within normal limits, the nails are beautiful pink and strong. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise at first I decided to drink 2 courses at once and pimples on my back and chest poured out, when I stopped taking merts, everything went away. All is well now, so I continue to drink them regularly.

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