Hair loss in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The fact that there is a connection between hair loss and gastrointestinal diseases, I learned quite recently when I was looking for the cause of hair loss. For some reason I left the gastroenterologist at the very end, in search of hair loss, before coming to him, I visited a gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and everything seemed to be fine, all tests were normal. When I came to the gastroenterologist, she immediately gave me several diagnoses and sent me for a bunch of tests. So, having passed my "seven circles of hell", I want to talk about gastrointestinal diseases that provoke hair loss and are quite intense.

Hair loss, bouts of abdominal pain, digestive problems can be symptoms of diseases such as stomach ulcers, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, it is very important to contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner.

Healthy hair today is more of a luxury than a necessity.

Photo: healthy hair

Dysbacteriosis as the main cause of hair deterioration

The condition of our hair often directly depends on the condition of the intestinal microflora. Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora, since the human intestine is inhabited by various microorganisms. Beneficial bacteria make up their main part and protect the intestines from pathogenic bacteria, resist their penetration into the blood. And with dysbiosis, beneficial microbes die, the protective barrier weakens, and toxins penetrate into the systemic circulation. Internal intoxication affects the hair papillae, the hair weakens, becomes thinner, becomes dull, brittle, quickly becomes fat and begins to fall out. So the intestinal microflora affects the state of the whole organism, including the skin and hair.

The main causes of dysbiosis:

  • diseases associated with digestion (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, liver disease, gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • bowel diseases - salmonellosis, dysentery;
  • taking antibiotics always provokes dysbiosis, since they destroy the intestinal microflora;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity due to illness;
  • strict diets and stressful situations.

Dysbacteriosis provokes a lack of B vitamins, because they are formed in the intestines under the influence of bacteria, as a result of which the condition of the hair deteriorates.

In case of dysbiosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment (comprehensive bowel cleansing, restoration of intestinal microflora, saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements) and corrects nutrition. After a course of probiotics, hair vitamins are added. Also, do not forget about external measures to strengthen hair (masks, tinctures, tonics, serums).

Worms and hair loss

Parasites can live not only in the intestines, but also in any human organ. They injure the organs in which they settle and move. In the intestines, they eat ready-to-digest food, assimilate vitamins, minerals and all the nutrients that our body needs every day, and some parasites feed only on blood.

There are several types of worms that cause hair loss. But even the simplest worms take away useful substances that the body needs, therefore vitamins, trace elements that remain are sent to more important organs, and they reach the hair in the last turn. As a result, hair loss, brittleness and hair loss are caused. Also, toxins from the vital activity of parasites poison the body.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria that live in the stomach also cause hair loss. The presence of Helicobacter leads to the disruption of the digestive tract, vitamins are poorly absorbed, especially of group B, and in fact they are the most important vitamins for the health and growth of hair.

For the prevention of worms you need:

  • always wash your hands before eating;
  • drink only clean water in which you are sure;
  • do not eat meat, fish that have not been properly heat treated;
  • periodically give pets anthelmintic drugs.

For the presence of worms, tests are taken and medication is prescribed, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Hair loss in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Hair loss in pancreatitis and liver disease

Hair loss is quite often accompanied by diseases of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), pancreatitis and liver.

Hair growth and its appearance largely depend on the condition of its papilla, because it is he who serves as the source of nutrition for the entire hair. The health of the hair is determined by the activity of the glands - sebaceous and sweat, as they affect the elasticity and softness of the hair shaft. The function of the papillae and glands is mainly regulated by the endocrine and nervous systems. When the work of these systems is disrupted and they are depleted, in addition, the body experiences infectious and food intoxication - as is the case with liver diseases - the papillae are affected, not receiving sufficient nutrition, the shafts become brittle and dry, dandruff forms, which eventually leads to hair loss.

If your hair is too oily, be sure to check the condition of the liver.

With pancreatitis, the process of absorption of nutrients by our body is disrupted. And insufficient assimilation and content of vitamins in the body determines the need to enrich the diet with them. It is especially important to introduce an increased amount of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12.

Hair treatment for problems with the gastrointestinal tract

First, you need a consultation with a gastroenterologist, and only after eliminating diseases of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, a trichologist or dermatologist prescribes treatment, individually selecting remedies and drugs. For the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to adjust your diet: to increase the consumption of foods containing a sufficient amount of plant and animal proteins, vegetables and fruits. Special vitamin and mineral complexes for hair are also connected, which must include vitamins of group B, A, E, C, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iodine.

A comprehensive course of treatment will help stop hair loss and restore hair growth, as well as avoid complications and existing gastrointestinal diseases.

The results of hair loss treatment will be noticeable in 6-12 months, this is due to the structure of the hair and its life cycle.

Summing up, we can say that there is a relationship between hair loss and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, albeit indirectly, but there is: absorption of nutrients of vitamins and minerals occurs in the intestine, that is, in case of intestinal diseases, there may be a deficiency of vitamins that causes problems with hair.

Published in the section: Hair loss comment 21
comment 21
  1. xxx

    It was informative, thank you

  2. Anna

    Have you got rid of those several diagnoses that the gastroenterologist gave you?

    • Yuliya

      The worms have been cured, the bowels have been adjusted accordingly, and the dysbacteriosis has gone away, and I treat pancreatitis every year (although it does not bother me), it is very important to find a good doctor.

      • Kate

        What worms did you have?

        • Yuliya

          Giardia and Toxocara.

          • Natalia

            Julia, were the worms taken out at home? Is it painful? Are they coming out alive or dead? Did you have problems with the stool before removal? We don't have a good gastroenterologist in our city. I myself want to undergo medical treatment.

            • Yuliya

              Julia and all the same, what pills did you drink for pancreatitis?

              • Yuliya

                Panzinorm (two weeks), then switched to some other pills, in a lower dosage, plus there were also capsules to restore microflora and a diet (a month).

                • Yuliya

                  Advise the doctor at whom you were treated? And in what city is it?

            • Irina

              Hello, were there any abdominal pains with these diseases? Or just hair loss?

              • Yuliya

                Hello, I would say that there was no pain, but discomfort, and when I came to the gastroenterologist, she made several presses in the abdomen, then there were pains (even very painful) and she already told me what problems I have, but tests and ultrasound I passed.

            • Ala

              Hello!. Julia, please tell me what kind of pills did you drink for worms and lamblia? And how much did your hair fall out?

              • Yuliya

                Zentel drank some from some, and some antibiotics from others, I don't remember ((Everything was prescribed by the doctor: the drug, dosage and how long to drink, and then repeated tests. Giardia is the worst because they are in the small intestine and do not allow vitamins and other important nutrients to be absorbed (it turns out that you feed them, and not your body).
                In addition to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, I also had a lack of iron in the body and all together led to hair loss.

            • Irma

              Julia, what you wrote directly about me. Pancreatitis, hyperacidity, there is an ulcer and helibacter (for this byaki it was treated three times according to different schedules and different antibiotics, nothing helped, this infection cannot be killed), toxocar shows the analysis constantly (I even went to the infectious diseases hospital, they said that these are residual effects, how would the body meet them, but now they are gone. I wonder where did they go without treatment?). A huge problem is that doctors do not want to deal with us. my hair has been falling out for 10 years, which I just did not try, no one could help. the head glows all over, even putting the hair in a ponytail does not help to hide the problem. nails exfoliate and break, I went to a dermatologist, and he (my grandfather is 75 years old) will grow my nails and cover up my disgrace. that's how they treat us. gynecologists, therapists, endocrinologists, etc. all brush me off. You are my only hope, please write your treatment, can it help me! I no longer hope for doctors, maybe self-medication will be effective.

              • Yuliya

                The first thing I can advise you is to find a good gastroenterologist and a private one, a lot depends on him. For three years now I have been going to a private doctor who has my card and already knows all my problems. Every year I come to him for examination and pass the minimum tests (complete blood count, caprogram and ultrasound) and, based on the situation, he prescribes treatment for me. The treatment is individual, for example, she prescribes Panzinorm for me, first in a higher dosage, then in a smaller one. Once there was Nolpaza (20mg), Pancreatin. I treated worms for two years in a row, some treated with Zentel and be sure to drink Smecta in order to remove toxins from them, and I don’t really remember others with antibiotics, because they were not found this year.
                Another important point is to adhere to a diet for pancreatitis and high acidity, the doctor gave me brochures: what is possible, what is not, and what is in limited quantities. All this information about dieting is on the internet.
                Regarding the hair, I can advise you to take different vitamins on an ongoing basis (only alternating, one finished, others started). Well suited for hair: biotin, vitamins of group B, especially B12, zinc preparation, magnesium, keratin, complex vitamins for hair. And in your case, if hair falls out for so long, check the iron level. To do this, you need to pass tests for: ferritin, OZhSS, iron.
                Read about external hair treatments in these articles:

                • Taya

                  Hello. Maybe you can advise your gastroenterologist, because it's not easy to find a good one. And tell me where did you get tested?

                  • Yuliya

                    Hello, a gastroenterologist in Ukraine, I took tests in Sinevo (private laboratory).

            • Lily

              How I needed your article !!! I also have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. THANKS!

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